articles by S. M. Hutchens

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Out of the Depth

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

Insidious Winsomeness

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Seeing the Remnant

37.3 — May/June 2024

Fr. Robinson & Mere Anglicanism

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Todos, Todos, Todos!

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Spice of an (Un)Wonderful Life

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

To Close a Swinging Door

Should Women Be Ordained? An Examination of Biblical Texts and Arguments Commonly Used to Promote Women’s Ordination by Jeff Williams

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Much in Prayer

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Black & White

On Lightning Clarity at a Divinity School

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Fafner & Fasolt in the Church

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Political Currency

The Tucker Carlson Episode & the Teaching of Jesus

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

Writing About Protestants

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Just Like Us

A Protestant Quibble with Fr. Mankowski

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

The Third Commandment

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Certitude, Contingency & Faith

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

The Lord Knoweth His Own

The Eclipse of Mere Christianity & the Vision of the Elect

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022


35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Clever Little Analysts

“We Don't Torment Jesus. We Only Question Him”

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

How Things Stand

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

The Innocents of Uvalde

"Religion" Is Not the Right Response to Such Evil

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Ko-Ko, the Chief Dufflepud & Their Kin

35.3 — May/Jun 2022


35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

The Spirit of Change

35.1 — January/February 2022

Activities in the Primate House

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

Weird Christians

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

Why They Won't Dance

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

Brethren Under Fire

The Days of Avoiding Giving Offense Are Over

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

The Little Classicist & the Fall of the Churches

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

More to Moore

Russell Moore: Vaya con Dios

34.4 — July/August 2021

Church Cleaning

34.4 — July/August 2021

False Identity

on the Gay-but-Celibate Notion

34.4 — July/August 2021

Here We Remain

Touchstone & the "Devout" Friends of Abortion

34.3 — May/June 2021

Why Liberals Are Smarter

34.2 — March/April 2021

Expository Preaching

34.2 — March/April 2021

Periodical Martyrdom

On the Real Division in Play

34.1 — January/February 2021

The Whale, Still Beached

Anglicanism & All That Beauty

34.1 — January/February 2021

Law and Gospel, Constitution and Church

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Paying for College

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Running the Race

Christian Worship & "Systemic Racism"

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Serving the Children of Light

A Deeper Subtitle

33.5 — September/October 2020

Complexity & Judgment

33.4 — July/August 2020

Alas, Average at Best

33.4 — July/August 2020

Dwelling in Unity

Our Views on the President Are Not Crucial

33.3 — May/June 2020

More Leonine Microscopy

Losing the Good Portion: Why Men Are Alienated from Christianity by Leon J. Podles

33.3 — May/June 2020

La Trahison des Clercs

33.2 — March/April 2020

Cosmic Economics

The Household and the War for the Cosmos
by C. R. Wiley

33.2 — March/April 2020

The Benedictine Preacher

—from the 2019 Touchstone Conference

33.2 — March/April 2020

"Dialogue" & Chaos

33.2 — March/April 2020

How It Happens

Easy Descent on an Unguarded Road

33.1 — January/February 2020

The Religion of Antichrist

32.6 — November/December 2019

Getting to Know Lizzie

32.6 — November/December 2019

What We're Doing Here

The Three-Way Conversation of Touchstone

32.5 — September/October 2019

Some Words on the Church

32.4 — July/August 2019

The Two Faces of Modern Misandry

2018 Conference Talk

32.4 — July/August 2019


32.3 — May/June 2019

Still At It, with Good Help

32.2 — March/April 2019


Deeper Magic: The Theology Behind the Writings of C. S. Lewis by Donald T. Williams

32.2 — March/April 2019

The Trouble with Religion

32.2 — March/April 2019


The Good Pastor Finishes His Course

32.1 — January/February 2019

Once Removed

on Sectarian Endurance & Women's Ordination

32.1 — January/February 2019

The Devil's Brigade

32.1 — January/February 2019

Mere Opposites

Fundamentals Can't Be Reduced

31.6 — November/December 2018

Sin & Psyche

31.6 — November/December 2018

Enduring Sacrilege

The Slow Vindication of Leon Podles

31.5 — September/October 2018

Getting Rid of "Youth"

31.4 — July/August 2018

Where the Gulf Is Fixed

31.4 — July/August 2018

Swimming with Sharks

The Politics of Power, Pleasure & Atheism

31.3 — May/June 2018

About Mother

31.2 — March/April 2018

The Gifts of the Poor

31.1 — January/February 2018

Dynamic Duo

Reviews of Man Up! by Jeffrey Hemmer & Man of the House by C. R. Wiley

31.1 — January/February 2018

Caspian, Solomon & Mr. Trump

31.1 — January/February 2018

Funding the Devil

On Irresponsible Nostalgia

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

The Rules of Progress

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

Divinely Saved

Theosis: Patristic Remedy for Evangelical Yearning at the Close of the Modern Age by Michael Paul Gama

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

Polar Composites

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

Allied Soldiers

Reformations & Touchstone Diplomacy

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Education in Pen State

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Unsettled Celibacy

Uncertain Sounds for Ministry

30.3 — May/June 2017

"Dialogue" & the Character of the Republic

30.2 — March/April 2017

The Persistence of Mummery

Without Precedent: Scripture, Tradition, and the Ordination of Women by Geoffrey Kirk

30.2 — March/April 2017

Christology & Bible Translation

30.1 — Jan/Feb 2017

On Mrs. Jongke's Porch

The Basis of the Fellowship in Real Time

30.1 — Jan/Feb 2017

The Symphony of Comprehension

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

The Mustard Seed

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

Witness Tampering

On the Politics of Martyrdom

29.5 — Sept/Oct 2016

Our Common Story

The Church: A Theological and Historical Account
by Gerald Bray

29.5 — Sept/Oct 2016

Foundational Error

29.5 — Sept/Oct 2016

School's Out

Where Not to Send Young Children

29.4 — July/August 2016

Salvation's Network

Reclaiming the Atonement: An Orthodox Theology of Redemption; Volume 1 by Patrick Henry Reardon

29.4 — July/August 2016

• FORUM: Response

Toleration & Divine Forbearance

29.4 — July/August 2016

Nice Pope, Mean Priests

29.3 — May/June 2016

Merely Sexist?

Women and C. S. Lewis: What His Life and Literature Reveal for Today's Culture
by Carolyn Curtis and Mary Pomroy Key

29.3 — May/June 2016

From a Far Country

A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir
by Thomas C. Oden

29.3 — May/June 2016

The Gospel Rules

29.3 — May/June 2016

Hailing Deliverance

A Last Trump Before an Apocalypse?

29.3 — May/June 2016

For the Hill-Dwellers

Christians, Imperialism & the Rule of Law

29.2 — March/April 2016

Guides to the Perplexing

The Memoirs of Louis Bouyer
J. Pepino, trans.
Louis Bouyer: Memoirs
J. E. Nash, trans. and annot.

29.2 — March/April 2016

Mere Christianity Must Go

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

Pulpit Masters

The Pastor as a Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Owen Strachan

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

Not as the Scribes

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

Art and Effrontery

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

Electronic Babies

Virtual Reality as an Opiate of the People

28.5 — Sept/Oct 2015

Alpha Academics

28.5 — Sept/Oct 2015

Equal & Ordered

Affirming Both Truths In & Out of Season

28.5 — Sept/Oct 2015

Re: Capitulation

Tony Campolo's Turmoil over Homosexual "Marriage"

28.4 — July/Aug 2015

Stalled by An Ox

A Philosophical Walking Tour with C. S. Lewis: Why It Did Not Include Rome by Stewart Goetz

28.4 — July/Aug 2015

Not Forgetting Beauty

28.4 — July/Aug 2015

No Argument

We Are Given Clarity About Sexual Morality

28.3 — May/June 2015

But Is It Interesting?

28.1 — January/February 2015


28.1 — January/February 2015

Resurrection, Dust, and Ashes

Cremation Is a Counter-Christian Witness

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

The Best Years of Life

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Flagging Faith

Caesar in the Sanctuary

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Identity Thievery

In Christ All Sinners Are Truly Made New

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

Shades of Divinity

On the God of the Christians (and on one or two others) by Rémi Brague

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

Ministry & Learning

27.4 — July/August 2014

Lemuel's Manhood

27.3 — May/June 2014

God's Shadow

27.2 — March/April 2014

Easter Field

on an Old Cemetery Opening Soon

27.2 — March/April 2014

The Transcendental Canon

27.2 — March/April 2014

Ducking the Issue

Phil Robertson's Problem Is Ours

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

The Quandary of the Good Woman Pastor

26.6 — Nov/Dec 2013

What the Documents Say

26.5 — Sept/Oct 2013

What the Bishop Didn't Say

26.5 — Sept/Oct 2013

Good News or Dead End?

Genuine Seekers & Holy Irrelevance

26.4 — July/August 2013

Notes on the Sect System

on the Unchristian Maneuvers of the Sectarian Mind

26.4 — July/August 2013

Just Christians

On Homosexuality & Christian Identity

26.3 — May/June 2013

The Pharmakon Athanasias

on Worshiping the Lord Without Lying About the Faith

26.3 — May/June 2013

Passing It On

Benedict XVI's Fidelity on Behalf of the Faithful

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

Hard to Reach

on Clarity, Mystery & Their Demands on Preachers & Hearers

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

The Fog of Money

Bubbleheadedness & the General Law of Chickens

26.1 — Jan/Feb 2013

Interlocking Hearts

on the Consequential Metaphysics of Sexual Union

25.4 — July/August 2012

Fierce Charity

on the Christian's Duty to Be Strictly Loving

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

America's Theologian

The Theology of Jonathan Edwards by Michael J. McClymond and Gerald R. McDermott

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

The Way of the Class

on Suffering Education as a Discipline from God

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

Party Over Time

Unfortunately, We Were Right in 2003

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

Welcoming Antichrist

on Living Comfortably with the Sectarian Impulse

24.2 — March/April 2011

Gospel Out of Reach

Why "Apologetics" Is So Often Wrong

24.1 — January/February 2011

The Jewish Indictment

on the Gospel of Christ & the Law of the Lord

23.6 — November/December 2010

Fixing Lewis

A Sword Between the Sexes? C. S. Lewis and the Gender Debates
by Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen

23.6 — November/December 2010

Between Caesar & Mohammed

Love of Enemies & Patriotic Duties

23.3 — May/June 2010

Marked Men

The Christian & the Tattoo

23.2 — March/April 2010

Media Wineskins

on the Electronic Book & Its Kin

23.2 — March/April 2010

But Are We Christians?

Ecumenical Bedfellows of the Manhattan Declaration

23.1 — January/February 2010

Always the Trinity

Answers a Question on Egalitarian Theology

22.6 — July/August 2009

Paradox Lost

on Open Theism & the Easy Road to Heresy

22.5 — June 2009

Our Fathers’ Religion

on Mere Christianity That Is Not Merely Mine

22.4 — May 2009

Picture Imperfect

on the Discovery of Dirt in Potter’s Field

22.4 — May 2009

The War on Error

The Business of Confronting Heresy

22.1 — January/February 2009

A Certain Anger

on Secularists Who Don’t Get Hell & Terrorists Who Do

21.9 — November 2008

Up a Creek

on the Dangerous Success of Rudderless Christianity

21.8 — October 2008

A Semple Mistake

on Misplaced Adoration & the Cult of Personality

21.7 — September 2008

Hidden Gender

on the Universal Grammar Feminists Can’t Speak

21.7 — September 2008

On the Far Side of the Family

The Love That Transcends the Killjoy Child

21.5 — June 2008

Screwtaped Saviors

on the Endless Succession of Historical Jesuses

21.5 — June 2008

As God Gives Growth

When Organizations Become Empty Wombs & Dry Earth

21.1 — January/February 2008

Sister Amiss

Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America
by Matthew Avery Sutton

20.10 — December 2007

Mean Girls

Tripping the Prom Queen:
The Truth About Women and Rivalry
by Susan Shapiro Barash

20.8 — October 2007

Helpers Meet?

A Symposium on Dating, Courtship & Marriage

20.6 — July/August 2007

Fully Living Sacrifices

Where Nietzsche Was Right About Christians

20.3 — April 2007

Terrible Salvation

20.1 — January/February 2007

Guy Spy

Self-Made Man: One Woman?s Journey into Manhood and Back Again
by Norah Vincent

20.1 — January/February 2007

The Worst Policy

20.1 — January/February 2007


The Demonic Voice Behind the "Right to Choose"

19.9 — November 2006

Reformed Schools

Protestant Theology and the Making of the Modern German University
by Thomas Albert Howard

19.8 — October 2006

Men at Worship

Why Men Hate Going To Church
by David Murrow

19.8 — October 2006

Levels of Alliance

19.7 — September 2006

A Maid to Order Bible

Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender by John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

19.5 — June 2006

The God Who’s Still There

18.7 — September 2005

Passing on the Right

18.5 — June 2005

The Pope Is Christian!

on Disappointing Catholic Revisionists

18.3 — April 2005

The Economy of Love

17.10 — December 2004

Green Hornets’ Nest

17.9 — November 2004

The Critical Adjustment

on Pleasing the Lord in Worship

17.6 — July/August 2004

Reversing the Charges

17.4 — May 2004

Please Me, O Lord

on the Roots of Romantic Worship

17.2 — March 2004

The Signified Man

Ordination & the Shape of the Pastoral Office

17.2 — March 2004

Just Stewards

17.1 — January/February 2004

Between Icon & Idol

Harry Potter & Imagination's Symbolic Life

16.9 — November 2003

The Evangelical & the Academy

16.6 — July/August 2003

Unity, Truth & Christian Identity

In One Body Through the Cross
edited by Carl E. Braaten and
Robert W. Jenson

16.6 — July/August 2003

A Realistic Alliance

A Response to Richard John Neuhaus

16.5 — June 2003

Practical Atheism

16.4 — May 2003

A Fundamental Clash

16.1 — January/February 2003

Children of a Better God

A Reply to “Is God Masculine?”

15.10 — December 2002

Years of the Locust

15.7 — September 2002

God’s Hat

on the Tenth Commandment

15.5 — June 2002

With Every Good Intention

on the Ninth Commandment

15.5 — June 2002

Unmanning the Bible

15.4 — May 2002

In Praise of the Good Pastor

15.3 — April 2002

Heretical Bibles

14.8 — October 2001

Facing the Real Jesus

14.5 — June 2001

Complicit Voters

14.2 — March 2001

Engaging Greatness

14.1 — January/February 2001

The Craft of Fatherhood

on Christian Fatherhood

13.9 — November 2000

Full & Honest Ecumenism

13.7 — September 2000

Be True to Your Child

on Choosing Schools

13.6 — July/August 2000

Getting Justification Right

Getting the Gospel Right
by R. C. Sproul
Union with Christ
Carl E. Braaten and
Robert W. Jenson, eds.

13.3 — April 2000

Stealing from God

on the Eighth Commandment

13.1 — January/February 2000

The Head of the Church

on Women’s Ordination

12.6 — November/December 1999

The Fairy-Tale God

Truth & Deceit in Children’s Fiction

12.6 — November/December 1999

A Noble Company of Martyrs

12.4 — July/August 1999

Modernism & Theology

The First Moderns
by William R. Everdell

12.4 — July/August 1999

The Divide That Is There

on Egalitarian Christianity

12.3 — May/June 1999

A Christian Women’s Declaration

On Coalitions & Biblical Orthodoxy

12.1 — January/February 1999

Those Curious Lutherans

The Comforts of Northfield Theology

11.6 — November/December 1998

Adultery & the Death of Covenant

on the Seventh Commandment

11.5 — September/October 1998

Faith Without Ethics

Not by Faith Alone
by Robert A. Sungenis

11.5 — September/October 1998

Bishops & the Word

11.2 — March/April 1998

Mad as Hell

on the Sixth Commandment

11.1 — January/February 1998

Trash the TV?

An Internet Discussion Between Terry Mattingly & S. M. Hutchens

10.4 — Fall 1997

On Christian Unity

Two Excerpts on the Relations Between Protestants, Roman Catholics, & Orthodox

10.4 — Fall 1997

Live Long & Prosper

on the Fifth Commandment

10.4 — Fall 1997

A Porch to Talk On

10.3 — Summer 1997

Rest in Remembrance

on the Fourth Commandment

10.2 — Spring 1997

The Name of the Lord

on the Third Commandment

10.2 — Spring 1997

First Things & the Mandate of Heaven

10.1 — Winter 1997

Idols Old & New

on the Second Commandment

10.1 — Winter 1997

Churches for Families

9.4 — Fall 1996

Which God?

on the First Commandment

9.3 — Summer 1996

Staying with the Lemmings

9.2 — Spring 1996

On Capital Punishment

9.1 — Winter 1996

Gray Logic, Gray Wisdom

8.4 — Fall 1995

Abreast of the Times

The Quiet Modernization of a Divinity School

8.4 — Fall 1995

Giving the Devil His Due

8.3 — Summer 1995

My Brother, Be He Ne’er So Vile?

The Difficulty & Promise of Catholic-Evangelical Rapprochement: An Address to an Evangelical Congregation

8.2 — Spring 1995

The Professor & the Unicorn

Reality, Revelation & the Seductions of Abstract Thought

8.2 — Spring 1995

Sunday at Willow Creek

Four Responses

8.1 — Winter 1995

Making an Issue of It: A Word from the Gnomes

7.4 — Fall 1994

More Than a Prophet

The Ministry of John the Baptist

7.2 — Spring 1994

Avoiding Spirituality

A Philistine Looks (Obliquely) at Spirituality

7.1 — Winter 1994

Evangelicals Confront the Church Catholic

The Body: Being Light in the Darkness by Charles Colson with Ellen Santilli Vaughn

6.4 — Fall 1993

The Reforging of “Fundamentalism”

6.3 — Summer 1993

On Turning the Cheek & Giving the Cloak

6.2 — Spring 1993

Mystical Theology & the Sublimation of Gender

5.4 — Fall 1992

God, Gender, and the Pastoral Office

5.3 — Summer 1992


5.2 — Spring 1992

On Falling Towers and Fig Trees

5.1 — Winter 1992

J. W. Nevin on the Sectarian Mind

Lessons from Mercersburg for Modern Evangelicals

5.1 — Winter 1992

Packer, Henry & Me

4.2 — Special Issue: The Bible 1991

The Bible Under Spirit & Church

Some Light from the East for the Perplexed Inerrantist

3.4 — Winter 1990

Spirituality, Religion & Christian Faith

2.4 — Summer-Fall 1988

The Crisis Of Evangelical Preaching

short pieces by S. M. Hutchens

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Scriptural Life Raft

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Love & Book Learning

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

Miracles of Stupidity

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Church-Lady Feminism

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Péchés de Vieillesse

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Stephen B. Clark, R. I. P.

37.3 — May/June 2024

Ruining Interference

37.3 — May/June 2024

Moral Inversions

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Learning Curb

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Grounds Keeping

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Slow to Anger

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Cultural Submission

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Carl E. Braaten, RIP

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Worship at the Doors of Perception

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Bare Necessities

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Women Excluded

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Selfie Vocations

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Art in Hell

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Celebrity Toast

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

On Fishing for Men

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Two Simplifications

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Rainbows & Fire

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Easy Money

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

A Change of Menu

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Domesticating the Spirit

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Non-killing Instinct

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Empty Achievement

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Sources of Pollution

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Enough Is Enough

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

The Homing Device

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Marian—At It More than Ever

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

God of the Gaffes

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Dogma & Death

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Rejecting the Obvious

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Questionable Assurances

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022


35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Declining Apparel

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Lesson Lost

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Terms of Avoidance

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Imperfectly Ideal

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

A Switch in Time

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Mad About Sex

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Hell, Yes

35.1 — January/February 2022


35.1 — January/February 2022

Life in the Womb

35.1 — January/February 2022

Theological Gravity

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

False Gods

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Socially Distant Churches

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Incommensurable Truths

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

The Short Answer

34.4 — July/August 2021

A Fair Loss

34.4 — July/August 2021

Tax & Destroy

34.4 — July/August 2021

Humble Morality

34.4 — July/August 2021

On Not "Loving" God

34.4 — July/August 2021

Pastoral Lust

34.4 — July/August 2021

Castrate, Then Bid Them Be Fruitful

34.4 — July/August 2021

The Greatest of Sinners

34.3 — May/June 2021

A Time to Be Wounded

34.3 — May/June 2021

Sound Librarians

34.3 — May/June 2021

Lactose Intolerance

34.3 — May/June 2021

The Irony of Mr. Data

34.3 — May/June 2021

Logs & "Specktators"

34.3 — May/June 2021

The Duty of Christian Cows to Fly

34.2 — March/April 2021

A Danger for Every Wealth

34.2 — March/April 2021

Virtual Sacraments

34.2 — March/April 2021

The Thief

34.1 — January/February 2021

Remembering Joe

34.1 — January/February 2021

A Short-Lived Luxury

34.1 — January/February 2021

The Devil's Two-Decker

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Unattractive Truth

33.5 — September/October 2020

Doing Well with Youth

33.5 — September/October 2020

J. I. Packer, R.I.P.

33.4 — July/August 2020

A Draught from the Stynx

33.4 — July/August 2020

Partisan Debauchery

33.4 — July/August 2020

St. Mary Jane's?

33.4 — July/August 2020

The Speaking Truth

33.4 — July/August 2020

The Joy of God

33.3 — May/June 2020

Looking Good

33.3 — May/June 2020

A Rectification of Names

33.2 — March/April 2020

Down Smoothly

33.2 — March/April 2020

A Sin of Omission

33.2 — March/April 2020

Prose Pruning

33.2 — March/April 2020

"Change Is Good"

33.1 — January/February 2020

Really Bad Guys

33.1 — January/February 2020

Frank Speech

33.1 — January/February 2020

More, Less & Mere

33.1 — January/February 2020

Narrative Dissonance

32.6 — November/December 2019

From the Devil's Discard Heap

32.6 — November/December 2019

Word, Number & Music

32.6 — November/December 2019

Dinner with Darwin

32.6 — November/December 2019

Sexism & Idolotry

32.6 — November/December 2019

Madness at the Poles

32.6 — November/December 2019

Terminal Niceness

32.5 — September/October 2019

Hail the Glorious Names

32.4 — July/August 2019

Putting a Point on It

32.4 — July/August 2019

Rhetorical Dodgers

32.3 — May/June 2019

Church of the Last Days

32.3 — May/June 2019

Mere Conservatism Is Not Christian

32.3 — May/June 2019

Less Than or Equal To?

32.3 — May/June 2019

Muddle Men

32.2 — March/April 2019

When Begging Is Off

32.2 — March/April 2019

The Weight of Silence

32.2 — March/April 2019

Moderate Disguises

32.2 — March/April 2019

Protestant Unwillingness

32.1 — January/February 2019

Closed for Business

32.1 — January/February 2019

Incipit Vita Nova

32.1 — January/February 2019

Iconic Presbyters

32.1 — January/February 2019

The Joys of the One-Can-Short

32.1 — January/February 2019

Saltus Fidei

31.6 — November/December 2018

More on Children

31.6 — November/December 2018


31.6 — November/December 2018

Deceptive Rejects

31.6 — November/December 2018

The Wagers of Death

31.6 — November/December 2018

Literary Ambition

31.6 — November/December 2018

The Expertise of Non-experts

31.5 — September/October 2018

Prayer Screens

31.5 — September/October 2018

Political Abuse

31.4 — July/August 2018

From a Letter to a Friend

31.4 — July/August 2018

Secular Independence

31.4 — July/August 2018

Courage, Ass!

31.4 — July/August 2018

Transgenderism: What the Biology Professor Must Say

31.3 — May/June 2018

Religion Resurgent

31.2 — March/April 2018

The Little Skeptic

31.2 — March/April 2018

War on Two Fronts

31.2 — March/April 2018

How Can They Lie Like That?

31.1 — January/February 2018

Intelligent Design & the University

31.1 — January/February 2018

A Pen for the Lord

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Surely Not Us

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

The Senior Editors & the Presidency

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

In the Service of Children

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Scriptural Life Raft

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Love & Book Learning

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

Miracles of Stupidity

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Church-Lady Feminism

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Péchés de Vieillesse

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Stephen B. Clark, R. I. P.

37.3 — May/June 2024

Ruining Interference

37.3 — May/June 2024

Moral Inversions

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Learning Curb

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Grounds Keeping

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Slow to Anger

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Cultural Submission

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Carl E. Braaten, RIP

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Worship at the Doors of Perception

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Bare Necessities

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Women Excluded

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Selfie Vocations

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Art in Hell

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Celebrity Toast

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

On Fishing for Men

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Two Simplifications

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Rainbows & Fire

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Easy Money

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

A Change of Menu

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Domesticating the Spirit

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Non-killing Instinct

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Empty Achievement

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Sources of Pollution

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Enough Is Enough

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

The Homing Device

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Marian—At It More than Ever

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

God of the Gaffes

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Dogma & Death

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Rejecting the Obvious

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Questionable Assurances

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022


35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Declining Apparel

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Lesson Lost

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Terms of Avoidance

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Imperfectly Ideal

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

A Switch in Time

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Mad About Sex

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Hell, Yes

35.1 — January/February 2022


35.1 — January/February 2022

Life in the Womb

35.1 — January/February 2022

Theological Gravity

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

False Gods

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Socially Distant Churches

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Incommensurable Truths

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

The Short Answer

34.4 — July/August 2021

A Fair Loss

34.4 — July/August 2021

Tax & Destroy

34.4 — July/August 2021

Humble Morality

34.4 — July/August 2021

On Not "Loving" God

34.4 — July/August 2021

Pastoral Lust

34.4 — July/August 2021

Castrate, Then Bid Them Be Fruitful

34.4 — July/August 2021

The Greatest of Sinners

34.3 — May/June 2021

A Time to Be Wounded

34.3 — May/June 2021

Sound Librarians

34.3 — May/June 2021

Lactose Intolerance

34.3 — May/June 2021

The Irony of Mr. Data

34.3 — May/June 2021

Logs & "Specktators"

34.3 — May/June 2021

The Duty of Christian Cows to Fly

34.2 — March/April 2021

A Danger for Every Wealth

34.2 — March/April 2021

Virtual Sacraments

34.2 — March/April 2021

The Thief

34.1 — January/February 2021

Remembering Joe

34.1 — January/February 2021

A Short-Lived Luxury

34.1 — January/February 2021

The Devil's Two-Decker

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Unattractive Truth

33.5 — September/October 2020

Doing Well with Youth

33.5 — September/October 2020

J. I. Packer, R.I.P.

33.4 — July/August 2020

A Draught from the Stynx

33.4 — July/August 2020

Partisan Debauchery

33.4 — July/August 2020

St. Mary Jane's?

33.4 — July/August 2020

The Speaking Truth

33.4 — July/August 2020

The Joy of God

33.3 — May/June 2020

Looking Good

33.3 — May/June 2020

A Rectification of Names

33.2 — March/April 2020

Down Smoothly

33.2 — March/April 2020

A Sin of Omission

33.2 — March/April 2020

Prose Pruning

33.2 — March/April 2020

"Change Is Good"

33.1 — January/February 2020

Really Bad Guys

33.1 — January/February 2020

Frank Speech

33.1 — January/February 2020

More, Less & Mere

33.1 — January/February 2020

Narrative Dissonance

32.6 — November/December 2019

From the Devil's Discard Heap

32.6 — November/December 2019

Word, Number & Music

32.6 — November/December 2019

Dinner with Darwin

32.6 — November/December 2019

Sexism & Idolotry

32.6 — November/December 2019

Madness at the Poles

32.6 — November/December 2019

Terminal Niceness

32.5 — September/October 2019

Hail the Glorious Names

32.4 — July/August 2019

Putting a Point on It

32.4 — July/August 2019

Rhetorical Dodgers

32.3 — May/June 2019

Church of the Last Days

32.3 — May/June 2019

Mere Conservatism Is Not Christian

32.3 — May/June 2019

Less Than or Equal To?

32.3 — May/June 2019

Muddle Men

32.2 — March/April 2019

When Begging Is Off

32.2 — March/April 2019

The Weight of Silence

32.2 — March/April 2019

Moderate Disguises

32.2 — March/April 2019

Protestant Unwillingness

32.1 — January/February 2019

Closed for Business

32.1 — January/February 2019

Incipit Vita Nova

32.1 — January/February 2019

Iconic Presbyters

32.1 — January/February 2019

The Joys of the One-Can-Short

32.1 — January/February 2019

Saltus Fidei

31.6 — November/December 2018

More on Children

31.6 — November/December 2018


31.6 — November/December 2018

Deceptive Rejects

31.6 — November/December 2018

The Wagers of Death

31.6 — November/December 2018

Literary Ambition

31.6 — November/December 2018

The Expertise of Non-experts

31.5 — September/October 2018

Prayer Screens

31.5 — September/October 2018

Political Abuse

31.4 — July/August 2018

From a Letter to a Friend

31.4 — July/August 2018

Secular Independence

31.4 — July/August 2018

Courage, Ass!

31.4 — July/August 2018

Transgenderism: What the Biology Professor Must Say

31.3 — May/June 2018

Religion Resurgent

31.2 — March/April 2018

The Little Skeptic

31.2 — March/April 2018

War on Two Fronts

31.2 — March/April 2018

How Can They Lie Like That?

31.1 — January/February 2018

Intelligent Design & the University

31.1 — January/February 2018

A Pen for the Lord

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Surely Not Us

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

The Senior Editors & the Presidency

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

In the Service of Children

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