Fr. Robinson & Mere Anglicanism

Mere Anglicanism, according to the group’s website, is “an organization of Anglican Christians seeking to engage the culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by discipling, training, and educating lay and clergy leaders for the renewal of biblical and orthodox Anglicanism.” Thus, this group would be supposed to stand against progressivist corruptions of present-day Anglicanism, including those involving the sexual confusions in which it is entangled. At the group’s recent gathering in Charleston, South Carolina, one of the invited speakers was Fr. Calvin Robinson, who, after giving his paper, was barred from further participation in the conference. He writes:

On Friday 19th January [2024] I gave a talk at the Mere Anglicanism conference in Charleston, South Carolina. I was given the brief of, “Critical Theories are Antithetical to the Gospel. I wanted to address the root of the problem rather than the symptoms, which we spend too much time focusing on. It was my point that the reason Gender Theory, Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory are so prevalent in the Church today is because we have conceded too much ground to Feminism.

Fr. Robinson asserted that women priests were a direct product of feminist influence and concluded that:


S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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