The Whale, Still Beached by S. M. Hutchens

The Whale, Still Beached

Anglicanism & All That Beauty

I was asked several months ago to write something to a group of mostly younger people who had been captivated by the beauties of Anglicanism and were trying to make their way forward in a manner influenced by its excellences, but were not old enough to remember, certainly in any detail, the problems that had brought it to its present condition of theological and social division, and continue to plague it. I have written what I believe was requested, but lost contact with my correspondent, likewise the name of the journal for which it was requested. I place the article written in response to my correspondent's request here in Touchstone, since I believe it has broader application than just the Anglican situation.

Overwhelmed by Beauty


S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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