Our Common Story reviewed by S. M. Hutchens

Book Review

Our Common Story

The Church: A Theological and Historical Account
by Gerald Bray

Baker Academic, 2016
(278 pages, $24.99, paperback)

A notable trend of recent years is conservative Protestantism's increasing attention to the Church, not simply to defend itself or a chosen denomination against the charge of error or to refute the errors of others, but as containing ground that needs to be explored in the light of questions for which it sometimes seems to have a growing discomfort about the adequacy of its own historically ready answers. No doubt encouraged by increasing hostility in the world toward Christianity in any form, there is in the air an increased desire for amity and the recognition of agreement, where possible, especially with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.


S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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