From the Editor by James M. Kushiner


Less Than or Equal To?

by S. M. Hutchens

I am so heartily sick of this "social justice" stuff being treated seriously by reputedly Christian conclaves, based as it is on the iron laws of equality which breed hatred, resentment, and lack of forbearance—against which Christians already have clear instructions from the Lord and his apostles on charity, generosity, forgiveness, and patience—that I'm just not going to listen to anything about it when I have the choice. "Murky," as one of my correspondents put it, is the right word for it all, for it is a noxious hybrid of the Christian and pagan.

Christians must understand the nature of their conversion from one to the other—that when we start to take up flags for secular "justice" (equality) causes, we will fail as Christians by them, for none of us is equal to the other, and we are commanded to regard our brethren as greater than ourselves.

S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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