touchstone archives


78 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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37.4—Jul/Aug, 2024

Otto Wagner's Kirche am Steinhof

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

37.3—May/June, 2024

The Last Judgment, Sainte-Foy at Conques

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

37.1—Jan/Feb, 2024

Michelangelo's God Separating the Light from the Darkness

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

36.5—Sept/Oct, 2023

Instruments of Grace

Flannery O'Connor & the Pantocrator

by Ralph C. Wood

36.5—Sept/Oct, 2023

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

36.4—Jul/Aug, 2023

Old Woman Cutting Her Nails

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

36.3—May/Jun, 2023

The Paradise Carpet

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

36.1—Jan/Feb, 2023

Ivanka Demchuk's Icon of the Annunciation

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

35.6—Nov/Dec, 2022

Giovanni Bellini’s Saint Francis in the Desert

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

35.5—Sept/Oct, 2022

The Virgin of Vladimir

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

The Church of Santa Prisca

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

35.3—May/Jun, 2022

Diego Velasquez's Christ Crucified

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.6—Nov/Dec, 2021

Henri Matisse's Chapel of the Rosary

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.5—Sept/Oct, 2021

Kintsugi Bowl

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.4—July/August, 2021

The Colossus of Constantine

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.3—May/June, 2021

Hagia Sophia, Church of the Holy Wisdom

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.2—March/April, 2021

Madonna and Child on a Curved Throne

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

34.1—January/February, 2021

Thomas Cole's Falls of the Kaaterskill

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.6—Nov/Dec, 2020

Benjamin West's The Nativity

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.6—Nov/Dec, 2020

The Ugly and the Good

Why We No Longer But Still Could Have Beautiful Things

by Anthony Esolen

33.5—September/October, 2020

The Archdukes Albert and Isabella Visiting the Collection of Pierre Roose

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.4—July/August, 2020

Jost Bürgi & Hans Jacob Emck's Equation Clock

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.3—May/June, 2020

The Asam Brothers' The Assumption

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.2—March/April, 2020

Christ Chapel at Hillsdale

An Architectural Sign of Mere Christianity

by Michael Ward

33.2—March/April, 2020

John the Baptist by Anton Raphael Mengs

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.1—January/February, 2020

Portrait of St. Luke in the Gospel Book of Otto III

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.1—January/February, 2020

About Face

On Beauty & the Personal Being of God & Man

by Anthony Esolen

32.6—November/December, 2019

Henry Ossawa Tanner's The Flight into Egypt

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.5—September/October, 2019

Piero della Francesca's The Baptism of Christ

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.4—July/August, 2019

Sojourner Knight

on Single-Mindedness in Durer's Ritter, Tod, und Teufel

by Anthony Costello

32.4—July/August, 2019

Rembrandt's The Denial of Peter

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.3—May/June, 2019

The Alfred Jewel

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.2—March/April, 2019

The Throne of Maximianus

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.1—January/February, 2019

Pietro and Gianlorenzo Bernini's Fontana della Barcaccia

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.6—November/December, 2018

Henry Ossawa Tanner's Annunciation

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.5—September/October, 2018

The Chalice of Abbot Suger

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.4—July/August, 2018

Rachel Ruysch's Still Life with Flowers in a Glass Vase

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.3—May/June, 2018

The Beekeepers

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.2—March/April, 2018

The Votive Crown of King Recceswinth

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.1—January/February, 2018

Leonardo's Madonna and Child with Saint Anne

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

31.1—January/February, 2018

Tailor-Made for Evil

Hiding Foul Things with Garments of Legal Fictions

by Joshua Hren

30.6—Nov/Dec, 2017

Titian's The Submersion of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

30.5—Sept/Oct, 2017

The Marriage of Tobias and Sarah by by Carlo Dolci

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

30.4—July/Aug, 2017

Johannes Vermeer's A Woman Holding a Balance

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

30.3—May/June, 2017

St. Luke the Evangelist

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

30.2—March/April, 2017

The Transfiguration by Theophanes the Greek

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

30.1—Jan/Feb, 2017

El Greco's St. Joseph and the Child Jesus

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.6—Nov/Dec, 2016

Andrei Rublev's The Nativity

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.5—Sept/Oct, 2016

The Adoration of the Lamb, The Ghent Altarpiece, Part III
by Hubert & Jan van Eyck

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.4—July/August, 2016

The Ghent Altarpiece, Part II

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.3—May/June, 2016

Hubert and Jan van Eyck's
The Ghent Altarpiece

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.2—March/April, 2016

Ara Pacis Augustae

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016

Apse Mosaic Church of Sant'Apollinare in Classe

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.6—Nov/Dec, 2015

The Portinari Altarpiece
by Hugo van der Goes

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.6—Nov/Dec, 2015

The Artistry of Grace

The Surprising Beauty of Divine Providence in Isak Dinesen's "Babette's Feast"

by Leta Sundet

28.5—Sept/Oct, 2015

Madonna di Ca' Pesaro by Titian

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.4—July/Aug, 2015


by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.3—May/June, 2015

Portico de la Gloria by Master Mateo

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.2—March/April, 2015

The Risen Christ by Michelangelo Buonarotti

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

28.1—January/February, 2015

Crucifix by José Aragón

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.6—Nov/Dec, 2014

The School of Athens, Raffaello Sanzio

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.5—Sept/Oct, 2014

La Disputa, Raffaello Sanzio

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.4—July/August, 2014

The Blessing Christ

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.3—May/June, 2014

As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young
by Jan Steen

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.2—March/April, 2014

Ecce Homo by Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

27.1—Jan/Feb, 2014

The Feast in the House of Levi
by Paolo Caliari (Veronese)

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.6—Nov/Dec, 2013

Rembrandt van Rijn's Self-Portrait as the Apostle Paul

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.5—Sept/Oct, 2013

Raffaello Sanzio's The Sistine Madonna

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.4—July/August, 2013

Jan van Eyck's The Madonna in a Church

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.3—May/June, 2013

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.2—Mar/Apr, 2013

Poussin's The Holy Family on the Steps

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

26.1—Jan/Feb, 2013

Andrei Rublev's The Trinity

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.6—Nov/Dec, 2012

Raphael's Alba Madonna

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.5—Sept/Oct, 2012

Albrecht Dürer's Noli Me Tangere

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.4—July/August, 2012

Albrecht Durer's Vision of the Seven Candlesticks

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.3—May/Jun, 2012

Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.2—March/April, 2012

Barocci's Annunciation

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

25.1—Jan/Feb, 2012

Rembrandt & the Speaking Image of Christ

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

More topics.

more from the online archives

32.2—March/April 2019

The Mimetic Bachelor

Reality Shows, Even in a Popular TV Series by C. E. Smith

22.8—November/December 2009

Looking for Wenceslaus

on the Real Men Behind the Christmas Carol by Michael Baum

19.5—June 2006

The Creed We Need

On the Picture of God We Draw with Words by David Mills

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