John the Baptist by Anton Raphael Mengs by Mary Elizabeth Podles

A Thousand Words

John the Baptist by Anton Raphael Mengs

"Behold, I send my prophet before your face." This is not a conventional, benevolent, smiling St. John the Baptist, pointing benignly upward in gentle reminder. This is a full-blown wild man, up close to the picture plane and in your face, as befits a prophet. His message is clear, urgent, and compelling: Repent! This John sits on a rock, and behind him a cliff face signifying the wilderness pushes him further forward into our faces.

At the lower right, a reed, shaken by the wind, makes reference to Jesus' gently ironic, "What did you come out to see?" At the left, John's staff, a foreshadowing of Christ's cross, leans against the remains of a dead tree. This is the Stump of Jesse, "from which shall come a shoot" that is Jesus. And while John is wearing his customary camel's hair clothing, a billowing red cloak foretells his own martyrdom at the hands of Herod.


Mary Elizabeth Podles is the retired curator of Renaissance and Baroque art at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. She is the author of A Thousand Words: Reflections on Art and Christianity (St. James Press, 2023). She and her husband Leon, a Touchstone senior editor, have six children and live in Baltimore, Maryland. She is a contributing editor for Touchstone.

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