articles by Anthony Esolen

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Where Even the Ivy May Bear Fruit

37.6 — Nov/Dec 2024

Loving the Law

on the Liberated Life of Sonship & Obedience

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

The Cool of the Evening

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

Young Folly & Elder Hope

A Battle Plan for Peace While Growing Old

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

The Inner Eclipse

on Guiding Our Desires Toward the Wonders of Man as Creature

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

And All Manner of Things Shall Be Well

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Heresy of Isolation

The Creator’s Gift of Union in a World Fallen Apart

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Soil for the Soul

We Must Restore Wasted Humanity

37.3 — May/June 2024

Praying for Gratitude

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Before the Fall

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Child’s Play

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Departures & Advents

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Community Properties

Modern Post-Conversion Identity in the Light of Augustine’s Example

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Our Angelic Defenders

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

The Comforter's Fire

Understanding the Holy Spirit in Italian hymns

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

Clergy Exposé

Diogenes Unveiled: A Paul Mankowski Collection edited by Philip F. Lawler

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

Older & Wiser

Nostalgia Endures While Optimism Fades

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

All of Us Sparrows

“His Eye Is on the Sparrow”

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Liberation Poetry

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

The Victorious King

The Hymn for the Vespers of Epiphany, Hostis Herodes impie

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Marriage Fading

Revolutionaries to the Romantics: Drop Dead

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Triune Home

“O Father All Creating” by John Ellerton (1876)

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

How Do I Use Thee?

On George Herbert's "Unkindness"

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Poetry & Democracy

Tocqueville & the Sorry State of the Arts

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Marching Together

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

The Shores Beyond

Saint Anatolius's Fierce Was the Wild Billow

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

True Grit

on the Untamed Tongue of a Medieval English Monk

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Our Love, Crucified

"O Come and Mourn with Me Awhile," by Frederick Faber

35.1 — January/February 2022

He Is Near

"On Jordan's Bank"

35.1 — January/February 2022

A Liar & the Father of Lies

Milton's Satan & the Confusion of the Mind

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

Spiritual Colors

"Venite ad me omnes" by Felice Anerio

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

A Hero for Our Time

"Forsaken Once and Thrice Denied" by Cecil Frances Alexander

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Sexual Being

The Love of Purity Opens Our Minds to a Radiant Mystery

34.4 — July/August 2021

The Ring & the Gem

"Come Unto Me, Ye Weary" by William Chatterton Dix

34.4 — July/August 2021

To Strut & Fret an Hour Upon the Stage

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman

34.4 — July/August 2021

Our Suffering, Our Solace

Dante's Way of Boundless Love

34.3 — May/June 2021

A Hymn for His Courts

"Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above" by Henry Francis Lyte (1834

34.3 — May/June 2021

What Television Shows

An Ancient TV Guide Suggests a Program for Today's Choices

34.2 — March/April 2021

Rules for Rhymes

34.2 — March/April 2021

Maleficent Obsession

The Long Dark Tunnel of Resentment

34.1 — January/February 2021

Forget Me Not

34.1 — January/February 2021

Fighting for Love

What the World Needs Now It Hardly Knows

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

The Bridegroom Cometh

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

The Ugly and the Good

Why We No Longer But Still Could Have Beautiful Things

33.5 — September/October 2020

United at the Cross

33.4 — July/August 2020

Pantocrator Lite

33.4 — July/August 2020

No Option

Clear Out the Rubble & Rebuild!

33.3 — May/June 2020

A Whole Poem

33.3 — May/June 2020

Deliberation, Inc.

Human & Divine Societies Require Careful Thought & Discourse

33.3 — May/June 2020

The Fog of Love

Sin Covers a Multitude of Loves

33.2 — March/April 2020

High Praise & Mercy

33.1 — January/February 2020

Godward Bound

33.1 — January/February 2020

About Face

On Beauty & the Personal Being of God & Man

33.1 — January/February 2020

Forbidden Lies

Speaking Truth About the Sexes Is Not Optional

32.6 — November/December 2019

O for a Thousand Hymns to Sing!

32.6 — November/December 2019

Listening Up

Historical Truth, Beguiling Stories & Three Kinds of Hearers

32.5 — September/October 2019

Washed in the Blood

32.5 — September/October 2019

Feral Sexuality

on the Inhuman Transformation of Transgenderism

32.4 — July/August 2019

His Sweet Name

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

32.3 — May/June 2019

Light of Light

The Liturgy of the Hours

32.3 — May/June 2019

Deliver Us from Evil

Justice Demands an Assessment of Injustice

32.2 — March/April 2019

Hymns Ascending

See, the Lord Ascends in Triumph

32.2 — March/April 2019

The Boy Genius

Finding Him Again Through the Patriarchal Group

32.1 — January/February 2019

Seven Gems from Calvary

The Seven Words on the Cross

32.1 — January/February 2019

Surprised by Delight

Divine Love & the Love of Man & Woman Surpass Mere Consent

31.6 — November/December 2018

Come Unto Me

Come Unto Me, Ye Weary

31.5 — September/October 2018

The Wedding Guest

O Father All Creating

31.5 — September/October 2018

Urban Prospects

The Cities of Man & the Dwelling Place of the Lord

31.4 — July/August 2018

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

31.4 — July/August 2018

Right Before Our Eyes

Life & Love Are Real Despite Theatrical Illusions

31.3 — May/June 2018

Festal Joy

This Is the Hour of Banquet and of Song

31.2 — March/April 2018

When Worship Goes Wrong

31.1 — January/February 2018

The First Blood

Victis sibi cognomina

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

What Was Done Before

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

The Greatness Commission

Christ, Individualism & the Meaning of Cultural Diversity

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

How to Write a Hymn

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

All the Colors of the World

Sometimes a Light Surprises

30.3 — May/June 2017

Let's Learn the Craft

30.3 — May/June 2017

Reclaiming Childhood Through Poetry

Rebuilding Christian Culture Among the Ruins

30.3 — May/June 2017

Campus Descent

Where Higher Ed Meets the Lower Regions

30.2 — March/April 2017

The Light of the Cross

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

The Advent of the Everlasting Day

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

The Still Small God

The Mustard Seed & the Wonders of His Kingdom

29.5 — Sept/Oct 2016

Hymns of the Ages

29.4 — July/August 2016

Worship for the Weary

29.3 — May/June 2016

Loosened Tongues Employed

29.3 — May/June 2016

The Master's Voice

Our Choice Is Obedience or Jesus as Anti-Christ

29.2 — March/April 2016

Loving Sacrifice

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

What Star Is This?

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

O Great Humility

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

By Their Parades Ye Shall Know Them

The Gods & Worship of Athens, Rome & Toronto

28.5 — Sept/Oct 2015

To Hear the Bridegroom's Voice

28.4 — July/Aug 2015

Our Dear Land

28.3 — May/June 2015

Muddled Hymns

28.3 — May/June 2015

No Country for Young Children

What Kind of Society Can Countenance Such Evil?

28.2 — March/April 2015

A Fast for the Feast

28.2 — March/April 2015

Suffer the Children

How Can the Young Flourish Without Peace?

28.1 — January/February 2015

Schooled for Sacrifice

28.1 — January/February 2015

Mission Nary Impossible

The Unevangelized May Be Better & Worse than Savages

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Love Came Down

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Tales of Forbidden Stereotypes

Real-Life Men & Women & the Tragic Loss of Human Comedy

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Identity Thievery

In Christ All Sinners Are Truly Made New

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

What Did He Do?

27.4 — July/August 2014

Bread & Ruminations

27.3 — May/June 2014

A Circle of Grace

27.3 — May/June 2014

Gone & Forgotten

on a Lost World & Our Alien Nation

27.3 — May/June 2014

Stand Firm

Or End Up on the Wrong Side of Eschatology

27.2 — March/April 2014

An Easter Trinity

27.2 — March/April 2014

Poetry Above Compulsion

Higher Education Should Advance the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

And He Shall Purify

26.6 — Nov/Dec 2013

Like a Thief in the Night

26.6 — Nov/Dec 2013

A Divine Gift of the Muses

The Great Epics Are Theological & Mark the Hard Path to Beatitude

26.6 — Nov/Dec 2013

At Dusk in the Jungle

A Deadly Culture Needs More than Legal Remedies

26.5 — Sept/Oct 2013

The Lord of The Harvest

26.4 — July/August 2013

Pauline Scholar, Meet Homeric Scholar

How Textual Analysis Misses Authorial Genius & Literary Inspiration

26.4 — July/August 2013

Patriot Dust

26.3 — May/June 2013

Blessed Assistance

on the Un-humanitarian Charity of Martin de Porres

26.3 — May/June 2013

Our Quiet Lord

Pentecost and the Voice on the Mountain: The Silence of Holiness

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

Faith Against Faith

Whittaker Chambers, Potemkin Villages & the Ongoing War

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

At the Cross of Jesus

26.1 — Jan/Feb 2013

Scarborough Needs Men

Manly Chastity, Hedonism & the Law of Non-contradiction

26.1 — Jan/Feb 2013

A Musical Work of Mercy

26.1 — Jan/Feb 2013

Same Country, Different Worlds

The Events of Christ's Life Remind Us That We Have a New Race to Run

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

Spenser's Feast

on the Theological Depth of a Neglected Wedding Hymn

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

Creator of the Stars of Night

25.5 — Sept/Oct 2012

Ascending & Descending Glory

25.4 — July/August 2012

All the Lonely People

The Corrosive & Far-Reaching Fallout of the Sexual Revolution

25.4 — July/August 2012

A Song for a Nation

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

Student Assembly

Today’s Mass Education Pushes Children Away from Virtue into Mere Hygiene

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

In the Key of Christ

25.2 — March/April 2012

God’s Place & Ours

On Mutability & the Lost Virtue of Steadfastness

25.2 — March/April 2012

Fast & See That the Lord Is Good

25.1 — Jan/Feb 2012

What Is Man?

on What Raskolnikov Knew & Translators Have Lost

25.1 — Jan/Feb 2012

Songs of Thankfulness & Praise

24.6 — Nov/Dec 2011

In the Bleak Midwinter

24.6 — Nov/Dec 2011

Prodigal Cant

The Lord's Truth & the Casualty of Politics

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

Pupils Delighted

on Wondering or Wandering Through College Education

24.2 — March/April 2011

My Pain & Gain

on the Blessings of a Bum Leg

24.1 — January/February 2011

Secular Grendel

Ruminations on the Monstrous Envy of the Soul-Devouring State

23.6 — November/December 2010

All Things New

Pagan Despair Ends with the Hope & Charity of God in Christ

23.6 — November/December 2010

Caesar’s Limit

A State Under God Cannot Be Idolized

23.5 — September/October 2010

Sanity & Matrimony

Ten Arguments in Defense of Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

23.4 — July/August 2010

Sanity & Matrimony

Ten Arguments in Defense of Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

23.4 — July/August 2010

Commencement Day

on Letting Our Children Go Home (A Graduation Address)

23.4 — July/August 2010


Hatred of Sanctity Runs Deep

23.3 — May/June 2010

Humor on the Move

In the Christian World, Comedy Is King

22.7 — September/October 2009

Except the Lord Build

on Education & Houses of the Lord (A Graduation Address)

22.7 — September/October 2009

Married with Reservations

Our Private Misgivings Have Public Consequences

22.6 — July/August 2009

Notre Madame et le President

There Was No Moral Common Ground

22.5 — June 2009

The Unquiet Men

on Those Who Are Leaving the Reservation

22.3 — April 2009

Nowhere Man

Without Remembrance There Is No Eternal Life

22.3 — April 2009

Past Present

The Grateful Living Will Rise Up

21.10 — December 2008

Potterville Nation

on the Wonderful Life Most Think Impoverished

21.9 — November 2008

The Beat Escape

Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

21.6 — July/August 2008

Trust Busters

When Authorities Smash Windows

21.5 — June 2008

The Final Past Time

on What Baseball Could Have Taught the Greeks About Death

21.4 — May 2008

Without the Cornerstone

When Secular Builders Labor in Vain

20.10 — December 2007

Finders Weepers

on the Books We Discover but Fear to Read

20.10 — December 2007

Child Everlasting

On the Omnipotent Humility That Saves an Old & Infantile World

20.9 — November 2007

The Mass Upended

and David Mills on Restoring Primitive Jocularity to the Liturgy

20.9 — November 2007

Pilgrims Planted

The Patriot Loves His Land Because It Is a Shadow

20.8 — October 2007

A Time to Move On

on Sending Our Children into Eternity (A Graduation Address)

20.6 — July/August 2007

Esther’s Guarded Condition

Dying When Common Sense & Common Decency Have Departed

20.5 — June 2007

Heaven Knows

Christian Irony & the secrets of Kings & Gods

20.5 — June 2007

Our Sorry Freedom

How the Culture of Tolerance Destroys by Forgiving

20.2 — March 2007

Filthy Rich

The Unnoticed Gift of Trickle-Down Decadence

20.1 — January/February 2007

Davey’s Song

on the Divine Music of an Autistic Son

19.9 — November 2006

Thank God We’re Not Equal

19.8 — October 2006

Hearts Uplifted

Or, How to Sing Your Way Out of Hell

19.6 — July/August 2006

Dozens of Cousins

on Learning from Those Who Have to Like You, Even When They Don’t

19.5 — June 2006

Over Our Dead Bodies

Men Who Are Willing to Lay Down Their Lives Are Truly Indispensable

19.4 — May 2006

Caedmon’s Edge

on the Fair Advantage of a Medieval Bible Translator

19.4 — May 2006

State of Separation

19.3 — April 2006

Body & Soul Uplifted

Dante’s Magnificent Vision of the Resurrection of the Flesh

19.2 — March 2006

No More Hims of Praise

on the Contemptible Mutilation of Hymns

18.10 — December 2005

A Mighty Child

on an Apostle’s Encounter with the Son’s Children

18.9 — November 2005

An Ironic Folly

On the Divine Wisdom of Tilting at Windmills

18.9 — November 2005

Sins & Sensibility

18.8 — October 2005


on Why Pornography Is Not the Sin We Say It Is

18.7 — September 2005

A Requiem for Friendship

Why Boys Will Not Be Boys & Other Consequences of the Sexual Revolution

18.6 — Nov/Dec 2005

Chest Errors

18.4 — May 2005

Where Went the Neighborhood?

On the Neighbors We Have Lost But Desperately Need

18.3 — April 2005

A Manna for All Seasons

The Sabbath Challenge to the Petty Gods of Profit

18.2 — March 2005

Dog-Eared Pursuits

on the Importance of Not Reading

17.8 — October 2004

The Lovely Dragon of Choice

The Freedom Not to Be Free

17.6 — July/August 2004

Pi in the Sky

A Sidebar in Jonathan Witt's "The Gods Must Be Tidy"

17.5 — June 2004

Servants of the Day

17.4 — May 2004

A Geography of Kind

The Preservation of Landscapes & the Beauty of the Sexes

17.2 — March 2004

Shooting the Rapids

on Manhood in the Making

16.8 — October 2003

What Sports Illustrate

on the Obvious Truth About Young Men & Religion

short pieces by Anthony Esolen

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Eager Hirelings

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Fr. Mankowski's Pen

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Remembering Alice von Hildebrand

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

The Ephemeral Man

34.2 — March/April 2021

Public Houses

31.3 — May/June 2018

Father Scanlan's Legacy

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Eager Hirelings

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Fr. Mankowski's Pen

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Remembering Alice von Hildebrand

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

The Ephemeral Man

34.2 — March/April 2021

Public Houses

31.3 — May/June 2018

Father Scanlan's Legacy

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