articles by Patrick Henry Reardon

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

The Library Left Behind

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

Reasonable Redemption

on How Man Defeated Death & the Devil

37.3 — May/June 2024

The Audacious Tamar

37.2 — Mar/Apr 2024

Deceptive Pastors

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Frustration & Faith: The Story of Sarah

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

The Infection of the Family

on the Consequences of Rebellion from Adam to David & Beyond

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

The Education of Moses

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

The Angel & the Ass

on the Sanctified Censorship of Balaam

36.5 — Sept/Oct 2023

Over to Europe

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

Luke & the Revolutionaries

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

It's Up to Humility

The Hard Ascent to a Bewildering Virtue

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

Sabbath Grain

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Loving Our Enemies

36.2 — Mar/Apr 2023

Cosmic Anchor

The Reality of Divine Law

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Assessing Jotham

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Dominical Dialectics

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Of Sages & Prophets

The Grammar of Wisdom & the Rhetoric of Prophecy

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022


35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

Truth Remembered

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

A Bit of Wisdom

on a Biblical Lesson from the Horse's Mouth

35.3 — May/Jun 2022

Twice as Good

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Job & the High Priest

35.2 — Mar/Apr 2022

Culture Clash

An Ancient Festival's Enduring Lessons

35.1 — January/February 2022

Esau & Job

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

The City Treasurer

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

The Atonement

34.4 — July/August 2021

Loving Others: Two Formulas

34.4 — July/August 2021

The Old Testaments

on the Canonicity of the Greek & Hebrew Texts

34.3 — May/June 2021

The First Priest

34.3 — May/June 2021

Saint from the Danube Delta

on Saint John Cassian

34.2 — March/April 2021

Doors into the Psalms

34.2 — March/April 2021

The Death of the Lord

on Mortality as a Framework for Life & Love

34.1 — January/February 2021

Creation & Freedom

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

The Second Generation

33.5 — September/October 2020

Two Views of Persia

33.4 — July/August 2020

From Morals to Mystery

33.3 — May/June 2020

Let Us Make Man

33.2 — March/April 2020

Destiny & the Cross

33.1 — January/February 2020

The Age of Samson

32.6 — November/December 2019

Priestly Visions

32.5 — September/October 2019

Peter's Sword

32.4 — July/August 2019

The Monotheism of the Gospel

32.3 — May/June 2019

Anointed to Fulfill

32.2 — March/April 2019

Ashes & Idolatry

32.1 — January/February 2019

God the Father

31.6 — November/December 2018

The Wretched Man

31.6 — November/December 2018

Tragedy & Transcendence

on Futility & the Open Door to Deliverance

31.5 — September/October 2018

The Left-Handed Right-Hander

31.4 — July/August 2018

Transforming Faith

31.3 — May/June 2018

Without a Prophet

31.2 — March/April 2018

Ashibag Unscripted

31.1 — January/February 2018

The World of Paul's Mind

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

Tempted from Above

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

Book of the People

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Dark Passages of the Bible

30.3 — May/June 2017

Who, Me?

30.2 — March/April 2017

Pharaoh's Darkness

30.2 — March/April 2017


Beware Scandalizing Unbelievers

30.1 — Jan/Feb 2017

Those Midwives

30.1 — Jan/Feb 2017

Periodical Crossings

The Intersections of Christ, Creed & Culture

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

Haman's Fall

29.5 — Sept/Oct 2016

His Gift of Life

29.4 — July/August 2016

The Christian Sh'ma

29.3 — May/June 2016

The Light in the Darkness

29.2 — March/April 2016

The Paschal Lamb of God

29.2 — March/April 2016

The Only Lord We Know

On the Confession of the One True God

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

David's Lament

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

King David & the Amalekite

28.5 — Sept/Oct 2015


28.4 — July/Aug 2015

The Eternal Son

28.3 — May/June 2015

Lord of Heaven & Earth

28.2 — March/April 2015

Jesus Now Glorified

28.1 — January/February 2015

Two Moral Worlds

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

A Refused Glory

27.6 — Nov/Dec 2014

Moses & Job

on the Meekest of the Servants of God

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

Vineyard of the Son

27.4 — July/August 2014

The Stars of Abraham

27.4 — July/August 2014

The Things Freely Given

The Bible, Sacred Theology & the Mind of Christ

27.4 — July/August 2014

The City Limits

What Can Be Expected from Political Princes?

27.3 — May/June 2014

The Essential Ascension

27.2 — March/April 2014

The Paschal Comedy

27.2 — March/April 2014

The Chosen Book

on Reading the Hebrew Bible as Philosophy

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

Esther & Joseph

26.6 — Nov/Dec 2013

The Many Storied Prophets

26.5 — Sept/Oct 2013

Peter, Apostle

26.4 — July/August 2013

Amos into Scripture

26.4 — July/August 2013

On the Road to Paul

on Why the Apostle to the Gentiles Changed His Name

26.3 — May/June 2013

Paul's Apology

26.3 — May/June 2013

Hard to Swallow

Public Health, Government Obesity & Church Resistance

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

The Gospel of Isaiah

26.1 — Jan/Feb 2013

The Reader of Hearts

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

The Lover of Mankind

25.5 — Sept/Oct 2012

The New Healing

25.5 — Sept/Oct 2012

Believe Free or Die

on Mathematical Certainty & the Liberty of Faith

25.5 — Sept/Oct 2012

The Man Alive

Irenaeus Did Not Teach Self-Fulfillment

25.4 — July/August 2012

Early Education

25.4 — July/August 2012

Shaped, Fixed & Free

on the Divine Gift of Truth

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

The Victorious Procession of Christ

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

A Rabbi's Error

on Jonathan Sacks’s Mistake About Christians

25.2 — March/April 2012

Theology & the Mind of Christ

25.1 — Jan/Feb 2012

God's Word & Me

25.1 — Jan/Feb 2012

The Gift of the Jews

God's Chosen People & Our Messiah

24.6 — Nov/Dec 2011

Sinners All

24.6 — Nov/Dec 2011

Dead End Times

on the Apocalyptic Fears of the Secularists

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

Fullness of Faith

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

A Many-Storied Monastic

A Critical Memoir of Thomas Merton at Gethsemani Abbey

24.4 — July/August 2011

The Man of Prayer

24.4 — July/August 2011

An Inconvenient Task

More Than Workers Migrate Between the U.S. & Mexico

24.3 — May/June 2011

From the Cross

24.3 — May/June 2011

His God & Ours

on Why We Can Be Brothers & Sisters in Christ

24.2 — March/April 2011

Balaam & Balak

24.2 — March/April 2011

The Talk of Cana & Jerusalem

What We Can Learn from Two Conversations Between Jesus & His Mother

24.2 — March/April 2011

The Incautious Apologist

on Reticence & the Mysteries of Sin & Salvation

24.1 — January/February 2011

David's Reliance

23.6 — November/December 2010

Trial by Desert

23.5 — September/October 2010

Royal Enigma

23.5 — September/October 2010

Modest & Bold

On the Gospel & Political Upheavals

23.4 — July/August 2010

Conversational Revelation

23.4 — July/August 2010

Sacred Grammar

on the Three Blessings of Timothy

23.3 — May/June 2010

Samuel’s Place

23.2 — March/April 2010

Framers of the Gospel

23.1 — January/February 2010

Unfair Warfare

23.1 — January/February 2010

Wisdom from the Table

on the Foundational Culture of the Dining Room

22.8 — November/December 2009

Born One of Us

22.7 — September/October 2009

Defense & Offense

22.7 — September/October 2009

Kosovo Lost & Found

A Visit to Old Serbia in Search of Its Ultimate Destiny

22.6 — July/August 2009

The Gospel Apocalypse

22.5 — June 2009

The Temple & the World

22.5 — June 2009

The Greek Key

on Divine Providence & the Macedonian Call

22.4 — May 2009

Abraham & God’s Power

22.4 — May 2009

Words’ Worth

on the Transcendent Vocabulary of Mundane Signs

22.3 — April 2009

The Wife of Pilate

22.3 — April 2009

His Passion, Our Choices

Matthew’s Trial of Jesus Is About More than Jesus

22.3 — April 2009

God & Robbers

on Human & Divine Property Rights

22.2 — March 2009

Father Joseph

22.2 — March 2009

Faith in Place

A Cloud of Witnesses: Saints and Martyrs From the Holy Land
by Bishop Demetri (Matta) Khoury

22.2 — March 2009

Authority Figures

on the Question That Jesus Refused to Answer

22.1 — January/February 2009

The Prophet & the Sage

22.1 — January/February 2009

Sacred Exits

Quitting Church: Why the Faithful Are Fleeing and What to Do About It by Julia Duin

21.10 — December 2008

The Daughter of Abraham

21.10 — December 2008

Savior in a Manger

Early Christian Teaching on the Incarnation & Redemption

21.9 — November 2008

The Gospels & History

21.8 — October 2008

Haran Junction

21.8 — October 2008

Scandalous Messengers

Unbelievers Have Always Been Watching Us, Closely

21.7 — September 2008

Merciful Propositions

21.6 — July/August 2008

Peter & the Fall

21.5 — June 2008

The Choirmaster

21.4 — May 2008

Timothy Middleman

21.3 — April 2008

The Truth Who Lives

21.2 — March 2008

Isaiah’s Good Friday

21.2 — March 2008

The Word Through Us

The Difference Between the Bible & the Koran Is Fermentation

21.1 — January/February 2008

Highest Noon

20.10 — December 2007

Matthew's Portrait

20.9 — November 2007

A Royal Fool

20.8 — October 2007

The Worldling

20.8 — October 2007

Quite Beyond Us

on the Unfathomable Self-Consciousness of Jesus

20.7 — September 2007

Calvary Temple

20.7 — September 2007

The Arius Factor

on the Dynamics of Dogmas & Anathemas

20.6 — July/August 2007

Gog Rising

20.5 — June 2007

Stationed at the Cross

20.4 — May 2007

Two Ladies at Odds

20.3 — April 2007

The Irreplaceables

20.3 — April 2007

The Son Risen with Healing

Biblical Aspects of the Easter Revolution

20.2 — March 2007

Home Bible School

20.2 — March 2007

Sinai’s Height

on the Problem with Popular Monotheism

20.1 — January/February 2007

Temple Lights

20.1 — January/February 2007

Life & Death March

19.10 — December 2006

Signs of Love

19.9 — November 2006

Handling the Holy

19.8 — October 2006

Scroll Food

19.7 — September 2006

Exodus in Genesis

19.6 — July/August 2006

Like a Rock

19.5 — June 2006

Cross Central

19.4 — May 2006

The Sacred Name

19.3 — April 2006

John & the Agony

19.3 — April 2006

The Agony of Gethsemane

On the Meaning of Christ's Prayer & His Obedience in the Garden

19.2 — March 2006

Water Rescue

19.1 — January/February 2006

We & Us

18.10 — December 2005

Creation & Christ

18.9 — November 2005

War & Poetry

18.8 — October 2005

Dogmatic Love

18.7 — September 2005

Haman's End

18.6 — Nov/Dec 2005

Tychicus of Asia

18.6 — Nov/Dec 2005

Pastors Courageous

18.5 — June 2005

Athaliah's Motives

18.4 — May 2005

Anthropology & the Incarnation

18.4 — May 2005

Nations in the Balance

18.3 — April 2005

The Resurrection Accounts

18.2 — March 2005

Thinking in Threes

18.1 — January/February 2005

Abimelech in Love

17.10 — December 2004

The Heart’s Guarantee

17.10 — December 2004

Emmanuel Is with Us

A Sidebar in Addison H. Hart’s “The Divine Divider”

17.10 — December 2004

Ritual Correctness

on Enduring Liturgical Experts

17.9 — November 2004

Egypt & Israel

17.9 — November 2004

Free Press & Pulpit

on the First Amendment

17.8 — October 2004

Esther & the Hidden God

17.7 — September 2004

The Newborn Moses

17.7 — September 2004

The Objections of Conscience

on Civil Disobedience

17.6 — July/August 2004

Covenant & Remembrance

17.5 — June 2004

Calculating Delilah

17.4 — May 2004

Salvation’s Threefold Cord

17.4 — May 2004

Caesar & Conscience

17.3 — April 2004

Hidden in Christ

17.2 — March 2004

Gentle Jesus

17.1 — January/February 2004

The Fall & Rise of David

17.1 — January/February 2004

Muslims & Human Rights

16.10 — December 2003

The Stoning of Stephen

16.9 — November 2003

The Laughter of Isaac

16.9 — November 2003

Not So Quiet on the Eastern Front

Orthodox Christians & the Iraqi War

16.8 — October 2003

Abraham’s Servant

16.8 — October 2003

Homer, Sex & Bungee Jumping

on the Lost World of Courage

16.8 — October 2003

Homosexual Inroads

16.7 — September 2003

Nathan?s Messianic Prophecy

16.6 — July/August 2003

The Parables & the Structure of the World

16.6 — July/August 2003

Communion & Division

The Structure of Knowledge

16.6 — July/August 2003

Episcopal Duties

16.5 — June 2003

The Paralytic from the Roof

16.4 — May 2003

Common Sense

Chesterton & the Aristotelian Tradition

16.4 — May 2003

The First Commandment

16.3 — April 2003

The Not-So-Good Samaritans

Aristotle, the Preservation of Families & the Duties of the State

16.3 — April 2003

Jonathan, Loyal & Brave

16.2 — March 2003

The Apostolic Epic

The Aeneid & the Acts of the Apostles

16.2 — March 2003

Lenten Repentance

16.1 — January/February 2003

The Prayers of Hannah

16.1 — January/February 2003

The Roots of Roe v. Wade

15.10 — December 2002

Most Excellent Theophilus

15.10 — December 2002

East Meets West in Rome

on an Ecumenical Experiment

15.9 — November 2002

The Widow in the Temple

15.8 — October 2002

Judah & His Brothers

15.7 — September 2002

A Vigil for McVeigh

My Night Among the Protesters at an Execution

15.7 — September 2002

The Sign of Jonah

15.7 — September 2002

Ministry to Prisoners

15.6 — July/August 2002

“The Man, Jesus Christ ,”

15.5 — June 2002

The Harsh Word of Ahijah

15.4 — May 2002

The Tragedy of Jephthah

15.3 — April 2002

Dawson Revisited

Christianity and European Culture
edited by Gerald J. Russello
Dynamics of World History
by Christopher Dawson

15.3 — April 2002

The Silence of Zachary

15.2 — March 2002

A Guide to the Lord’s Table

Catholics and the Eucharist
by Stephen B. Clark

15.2 — March 2002

Job & His Comforters

15.2 — March 2002

Timid Apostles

15.1 — January/February 2002

Rahab & the Spies

15.1 — January/February 2002

Abortion & Surgery

14.10 — December 2001

The Journey of the Magi

14.9 — November 2001

The Wise Outwit the Shrewd

14.8 — October 2001

The Cities of Refuge

14.8 — October 2001

Dialogue & Papal Strength

on Rome & the Orthodox Church

14.8 — October 2001

Culture’s Inner Law

14.7 — September 2001

Escape from Vienna

Critical Reflections on a Lingering Confinement

14.7 — September 2001

Moses on the Mountain

14.6 — July/August 2001

Enoch Walked with God

14.6 — July/August 2001

The Transformed Relics of the Fall

on the Fulfillment of History in Christ

14.5 — June 2001

Styles of Honor & Duty

The Midshipman Quinn Collection
by Showell Styles

14.5 — June 2001

Human Harvest

Commerce in Human Body Parts: A Critical Symposium

14.5 — June 2001

Abner’s Tough Decision

14.4 — May 2001

Romanian Shepherd

Shepherd of Souls
by Archimandrite Ioannichie Balan
The Truth of Our Faith
by Elder Cleopa of Romania

14.4 — May 2001

Andrew, the First-Called

14.4 — May 2001

History Free & Clear

on the Errors of Determinism

14.3 — April 2001

Life & Death in South Bend

Notre Dame’s Culture of Death Conference

14.3 — April 2001

Peter at the Charcoal Fire

14.3 — April 2001

Abortion & the Mother’s Life

14.2 — March 2001

Nathan’s Godly Narrative

14.1 — January/February 2001

Debating Design

The Concordia Conference on Intelligent Design

14.1 — January/February 2001

Thou Art the Everlasting Son of the Father

The Christian Meaning of the Fatherhood of God

14.1 — January/February 2001

Let Your Face Shine Upon Us

13.9 — November 2000

Saving California

The Man Who Founded California
by M. N. L. Couve de Murville

13.8 — October 2000

The Churches & the Homosexual Agenda

13.6 — July/August 2000

Father, Glorify Thy Name!

The Patriarchal Shape of Trinitarian Theology

13.6 — July/August 2000

Truthless Conversations

13.5 — June 2000

Susannah’s Virtues

The Prayer of Distress & the Cause of Justice

13.4 — May 2000

A Lonely Poet

Emily Dickinson and
the Art of Belief
by Roger Lundin

13.3 — April 2000

Judge Deborah

The Hebrew Prophetess in Christian Tradition

13.2 — March 2000

Marcionism Then & Now

on the Old Testament

13.1 — January/February 2000

Two Cultural Critics

The Critical Legacy
of Irving Babbitt
by George A. Panichas
A Few Reasonable Words
by Henry Regnery

12.6 — November/December 1999

Covering the Vatican

History of Vatican II
edited by Giuseppe Alberigo
Milestones: Memoirs 1927?1977
by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

12.5 — September/October 1999

Losing Our Illusions

12.4 — July/August 1999

The World as Text

Science, Letters & the Recovery of Meaning

12.3 — May/June 1999

Under the Gaze of God & Angels

The Meaning of Tobit for the Christian Reader

12.2 — March/April 1999

The Wide World of Tobit

The Apocrypha’s Tobit & Literary Tradition

12.1 — January/February 1999

Tracing the Path to Impasse

Biblical Interpretation
by Gerald Bray

11.6 — November/December 1998

Three on Weaver

Richard M. Weaver, 1910?1963
by Fred Douglas Young
The Vision of Richard Weaver
edited by Joseph Scotchie
Barbarians in the Saddle
by Joseph Scotchie

11.6 — November/December 1998

Metaphysical Man

Philosophy, Language & Richard Weaver

11.6 — November/December 1998

A Metaphysical Prophet

11.5 — September/October 1998

Sacraments, Martyrdom & the Sons of Zebedee

Two Gospel Texts in the Tradition

11.5 — September/October 1998

A Glimmer from the East

Orientale Lumen II—An Orthodox Account

11.3 — May/June 1998

Apocryphal Judith, Saintly Deceiver

Judith, Tradition, & the Christian Reader

11.2 — March/April 1998

From Book Burning to Canon

On the Destruction & Preservation of Sacred & Profane Texts

11.2 — March/April 1998

Is Titanic Satanic?

An Internet Discussion Between Patrick Henry Reardon, Rod Dreher & Terry Mattingly

11.1 — January/February 1998

Joan Andrews Bell

10.4 — Fall 1997

No Better Words

9.4 — Fall 1996

The Prayer of the Publican

A Simple Parable Shows Us the Heart of the Gospel

9.4 — Fall 1996

He Did Become Man

9.2 — Spring 1996

Abigail & the Way of Wisdom

The Bible’s Narrative & Wisdom Traditions Are Combined in a Story of Romance

9.2 — Spring 1996

Infallibility & Ordination

9.1 — Winter 1996

The Joseph Story

Narrative, Theology, & the Christian Hope

9.1 — Winter 1996

Never the Twain?

8.3 — Summer 1995

The Pope & the Buddhists

8.2 — Spring 1995

Captain Ahab’s Rebellion

A Novelist Looks at Predestination

8.1 — Winter 1995

Classroom Chaos

Atheism & the Public Schools

7.4 — Fall 1994

Evangelicals & Catholics—Together?

7.2 — Spring 1994

Christology & the Psalter

How “Inclusive Language” Emasculates the Psalms

6.4 — Fall 1993

Theory & Tradition

6.2 — Spring 1993

On the Ordination of Women

6.1 — Winter 1993

Women Priests

A Response to Thomas F. Torrence

4.4 — Fall 1991

Eastern Christians & Western Problems

3.4 — Winter 1990

Imaging God

3.1 — Winter 1989

Days of Trial

2.4 — Summer-Fall 1988

The Beached Whale

An Empathetic Lament

2.3 — Spring 1988

Whither Episcopalians?

short pieces by Patrick Henry Reardon

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Unbidden Fire

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

The Samuel Johnson Rule

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Cocksure on the Fifth Day

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Banking History

31.3 — May/June 2018

Go Figure

31.2 — March/April 2018

R. C. Sproul, R.I.P.

36.1 — Jan/Feb 2023

Unbidden Fire

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

The Samuel Johnson Rule

34.5 — Sept/Oct 2021

Cocksure on the Fifth Day

33.6 — Nov/Dec 2020

Banking History

31.3 — May/June 2018

Go Figure

31.2 — March/April 2018

R. C. Sproul, R.I.P.

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