touchstone archives


113 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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37.2—Mar/Apr, 2024

Could Pope Francis Be Right?

The Blessing of Same-Sex Relationships in the Catholic Church

by Kody W. Cooper

37.2—Mar/Apr, 2024

The Fall of Rome

Let's Not Kid Ourselves

by Hans Boersma

36.4—Jul/Aug, 2023

Clergy Exposé

Diogenes Unveiled: A Paul Mankowski Collection edited by Philip F. Lawler

by Anthony Esolen

36.4—Jul/Aug, 2023

Collateral Damage

Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited by Mary Eberstadt

by Eric Jackson

36.1—Jan/Feb, 2023

The Birth Control Revolution

by J. Douglas Johnson

36.1—Jan/Feb, 2023

Sexual Colonization

How the Sexual Revolution Dehumanizes Everything

by Carlo Lancellotti

35.1—January/February, 2022

Twisted Rainbow

on the Subversive Tyranny of a Month of Pride

by Mark T. Mitchell

34.5—Sept/Oct, 2021

Sexual Being

The Love of Purity Opens Our Minds to a Radiant Mystery

by Anthony Esolen

34.4—July/August, 2021

False Identity

on the Gay-but-Celibate Notion

by S. M. Hutchens

34.4—July/August, 2021

To Strut & Fret an Hour Upon the Stage

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman

by Anthony Esolen

34.2—March/April, 2021

Public Houses

by Anthony Esolen

34.1—January/February, 2021

The Gift of Samuel

Children, Marital Intimacy & Divine Desire

by Andy Hearn

34.1—January/February, 2021

Whose Wife Shall She Be?

Jesus' Astonishing Other Teaching on Marriage

by James Ware

33.4—July/August, 2020

Alas, Average at Best

by S. M. Hutchens

33.3—May/June, 2020

Maternity as Theophany

Maternal Body: A Theology of Incarnation from the Christian East by Carrie Frederick Frost
Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage Through Pregnancy by Laura S. Jansson

by Agnes R. Howard

33.3—May/June, 2020

The Fog of Love

Sin Covers a Multitude of Loves

by Anthony Esolen

33.2—March/April, 2020

Consequential Sex

by J. Douglas Johnson

33.1—January/February, 2020

The Endgame

by J. Douglas Johnson

33.1—January/February, 2020

Forbidden Lies

Speaking Truth About the Sexes Is Not Optional

by Anthony Esolen

32.6—November/December, 2019

From the Devil's Discard Heap

by S. M. Hutchens

32.5—September/October, 2019

Feral Sexuality

on the Inhuman Transformation of Transgenderism

by Anthony Esolen

32.5—September/October, 2019

Must Say No

on When Christians Can't Compromise

by Joshua Steely

32.4—July/August, 2019

Image- Bearers for God

Does Biblical Language for Man Matter?

by Stephen F. Noll

32.4—July/August, 2019


by S. M. Hutchens

32.4—July/August, 2019

An Alien Warfare

Today's Culture Wars Are Both Ancient & Modern

by Allan C. Carlson

32.1—January/February, 2019

Surprised by Delight

Divine Love & the Love of Man & Woman Surpass Mere Consent

by Anthony Esolen

32.1—January/February, 2019

Little Birds and Bees

on Talking to Young Children About Sex

by Kristen Gregory

32.1—January/February, 2019

Role Reversals

Sex, Women's Ordination & the Rejection of Hierarchy & Equality

by James A. Altena

31.6—November/December, 2018

Of Single Importance

on the Church's Response to the Anti-marriage Tide

by Diane Woerner

31.2—March/April, 2018

The Abusive Society

The Far Country of Sexual Rebellion

by James M. Kushiner

31.1—January/February, 2018

Mere Sexuality

Getting Sex Wrong Is a Foundational Error

by James M. Kushiner

31.1—January/February, 2018

In Defense of Prudery

The Wisdom of the Victorian Quest for Innocence

by David Sandifer

31.1—January/February, 2018

Tailor-Made for Evil

Hiding Foul Things with Garments of Legal Fictions

by Joshua Hren

31.1—January/February, 2018

Dynamic Duo

Reviews of Man Up! by Jeffrey Hemmer & Man of the House by C. R. Wiley

by S. M. Hutchens

31.1—January/February, 2018

A Great Cloud of Moral Witness

on the Solid Historical Consensus Regarding Homosexual Practice

by James S. Spiegel

30.4—July/Aug, 2017

Unsettled Celibacy

Uncertain Sounds for Ministry

by S. M. Hutchens

30.3—May/June, 2017

The Pity & the Pride

on One Difference Between Sins of the Flesh & Sins of the Soul

by Louis Markos

30.2—March/April, 2017

As It Was in the Beginning

Unchanging Witness: The Consistent Christian Teaching on Homosexuality in Scripture and Tradition by S. Donald Fortson III and Rollin G. Grams

by Michael Philliber

30.1—Jan/Feb, 2017

The Virtue of Marriage

Truly Authentic Sex & Rightly Ordered Love

by Tracy Jamison

29.3—May/June, 2016

Surgical Fantasy

on Biblical Compassion for Sex-Change Confusion

by Robert Hart

29.3—May/June, 2016

Love Is Love

But Sex Is Sex, the Essential Foundation of Authentic Marriage

by Tyler Blanski

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016

The Vanishing Point of Marriage

How the Minimalist Redefinition Erodes a Foundational Institution

by Andrew J. Peach

28.6—Nov/Dec, 2015

Here We Stand

on Opposing Caesar on Same-Sex "Marriage" 

by Robert Hart

28.3—May/June, 2015

Of Bicycles, Sex, & Natural Law

Describing Human Ends & Our Limitations Is Neither Futile Nor Unloving

by R. V. Young

28.2—March/April, 2015

Man, Woman & the Mystery of Christ

An Evangelical Protestant Perspective

by Russell D. Moore

28.1—January/February, 2015

Living in the Land of Cain

The Sad Journey of Marriage & Sex from Lambeth to the Land of Nod

by John S. Hamlon

28.1—January/February, 2015

Gay Christians?

The Grave Danger Coming Out Poses to Christian Churches

by Brian Patrick Mitchell

27.6—Nov/Dec, 2014

Tales of Forbidden Stereotypes

Real-Life Men & Women & the Tragic Loss of Human Comedy

by Anthony Esolen

27.4—July/August, 2014

Lemuel's Manhood

by S. M. Hutchens

27.3—May/June, 2014

Sex & the American Experience

Facts versus Stereotypes About Love & Marriage in the Land of the Free

by Allan C. Carlson

27.3—May/June, 2014

ENDA's Game

on Deviant Sexual Behavior as a Civil Right

by Kenneth D. Whitehead

27.1—Jan/Feb, 2014

Chastity's Children

Sexual Reality, Procreation & the Wisdom of Virtuous Love

by Joshua Schulz

26.1—Jan/Feb, 2013

Interlocking Hearts

on the Consequential Metaphysics of Sexual Union

by S. M. Hutchens

26.1—Jan/Feb, 2013

Sexual Iconoclasm

on Christian Honesty About the Harm of Fornication

by Russell D. Moore

25.6—Nov/Dec, 2012

Clashing Symbols

The Loss of Aristotelian Logic & the Social, Moral & Sexual Consequences

by Peter Kreeft

25.4—July/August, 2012

All the Lonely People

The Corrosive & Far-Reaching Fallout of the Sexual Revolution

by Anthony Esolen

25.1—Jan/Feb, 2012

Marriage Made for Heaven

On Lust & the Proper Schooling of Sexual Desire

by Miguel A. Endara

25.1—Jan/Feb, 2012

Why Fight Same-Sex Marriage?

Is There Really That Much at Stake?

by Douglas Farrow

24.3—May/June, 2011

Like, a Virgin?

on Christian Courtship & the Awkward Question of Sexual History

by Russell D. Moore

23.6—November/December, 2010

Fixing Lewis

A Sword Between the Sexes? C. S. Lewis and the Gender Debates
by Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen

by S. M. Hutchens

23.5—September/October, 2010

No Ado About Something

The Loss of a Christian Understanding of Virginity Is Pure Tragedy

by Eleanor Bourg Donlon

23.1—January/February, 2010

Domestic Disturbances

The Rising Polyamorous Culture Is Out to Get Your Children

by Patrick F. Fagan

22.5—June, 2009

Pure Visionary

The Life & Times of Anthony Comstock, Moral Crusader

by Allan C. Carlson

22.2—March, 2009

Love, Sex & Mammon

Hard Times, Hard Truths & the Economics of the Christian Family

by Russell D. Moore

22.1—January/February, 2009

Meaningful Intercourse

The Rise & Fall of the Sexual Constitution of Christian Civilization

by Allan C. Carlson

22.1—January/February, 2009

Sexes United

Marriage: The Dream That Refuses to Die by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

by Anne Hendershott

21.9—November, 2008

Ploy Meets Girl

Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships On Campus by Kathleen A. Bogle

by Nathaniel Peters

21.8—October, 2008

Sodom on Itself

What Do Gay Men Want? An Essay on Sex, Risk, and Subjectivity by David M. Halperin

by David L. Tubbs

21.2—March, 2008

Survivor Daughter

Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting
by Dawn Stefanowicz

by Rory Leishman

20.6—July/August, 2007


The Thrill of the Chaste
by Dawn Eden

by Mike Aquilina

19.7—September, 2006

The End of Marriage

Sex, Procreation & the Gnostic Triumph

by Allan C. Carlson

19.5—June, 2006

Lower Than The Idols

on the Superiority of Paganism to Pornography

by Robert Hart

18.10—December, 2005

The Gay Invention

Homosexuality Is a Linguistic as Well as a Moral Error

by R. V. Young

18.9—November, 2005

Reconcilable Differences

What Social Sciences Show About the Complementarity of the Sexes & Parenting


18.8—October, 2005


on Why Pornography Is Not the Sin We Say It Is

by Anthony Esolen

18.7—September, 2005

Pink Campaign

How the Media Made Homosexuality Mainstream

by Rod Dreher

18.7—September, 2005

A Requiem for Friendship

Why Boys Will Not Be Boys & Other Consequences of the Sexual Revolution

by Anthony Esolen

18.6—Nov/Dec, 2005

The Natural Laws of Sex

What We Lose When We Forget What Sex Is For

by J. Budziszewski

18.6—Nov/Dec, 2005

Triple Date

Christian Courtship in
an Oversexed World
by T. G. Morrow,
Couples in Love
by John R. Waiss,
Ask Me Anything

by J. Budziszewski

by Mike Aquilina

18.5—June, 2005

Bodies of Evidence

The Real Meaning of Sex Is Right in Front of Our Eyes

by Frederica Mathewes-Green

18.1—January/February, 2005

Rush to Alter

How Homosexuals Benefit from the Devolution of Marriage

by Bryce Christensen

18.1—January/February, 2005

Novel Bioethics

on How a Book Taught Her to Reimagine Sex

by Claire Barshied

13.8—October, 2000

The Churches & the Homosexual Agenda

by Patrick Henry Reardon

14.2—March, 2001

Morally Bankrupt

Sex & Money at the National Council of Churches

by Mark Tooley

14.4—May, 2001

A Rite for the Uncommitted

on “Shacking Up”

by Samuel Pascoe

14.6—July/August, 2001

What Women Need

Three Bad Ideas for Women & What to Do About Them

by Frederica Mathewes-Green

14.6—July/August, 2001

Coming Out of Homosexuality

An Interview with Bob Davies of Exodus International

by James M. Kushiner

14.7—September, 2001

Finding the Straight Path

on Our War over Homosexuality

by David Morrison

15.3—April, 2002

Sex & the Civilized

Civilizing Sex by Patrick Riley

by Angus J. L. Menuge

15.3—April, 2002

Dare We Get Real About Sex?

“Pedophilia Chic” & the Challenge to Conservatism

by Carson Holloway

15.7—September, 2002

Priests, Passion & Power

The Dynamics of Celibacy & Homosexuality in the Catholic Church

by Leon J. Podles

15.8—October, 2002

Episcopal Oversights

The Crisis in the Catholic Church Extends Far Beyond Sex Scandals

by Kenneth D. Whitehead

17.5—June, 2004

As Bad As We Get

on Homosexuality as a Sign of Ultimate Corruption

by A. J. Conyers

16.1—January/February, 2003

Choosing Love & Making Life

Sex, Love, Marriage & the Culture of Death

by David Mills

16.4—May, 2003

The Gay Embrace

Mainliners Stymied on the Matter of Homosexuality

by James M. Kushiner

17.4—May, 2004

A Geography of Kind

The Preservation of Landscapes & the Beauty of the Sexes

by Anthony Esolen

16.8—October, 2003

Homosexual Inroads

by Patrick Henry Reardon

16.8—October, 2003

Homer, Sex & Bungee Jumping

on the Lost World of Courage

by Patrick Henry Reardon

17.1—January/February, 2004

The Delightful Secrets of Sex

on Fertility & Contraception

by Juli Loesch Wiley

17.1—January/February, 2004

The End of Sex As We Know It

on the Implications of Cloning

by William Luse

12.5—September/October, 1999

Mainstreaming Homosexuality

by Mark Tooley

12.4—July/August, 1999

The New Sexual Revolution

A Return to Modesty
by Wendy Shalit

by Sam Torode

12.3—May/June, 1999

Christians & Conservation

Sex, Economy, Freedom,
and Community
by Wendell Berry
Creation at Risk?
edited by Michael Cromartie
Redeeming Creation
by Fred Van Dyke et al.

by Preston Jones

11.6—November/December, 1998

The Summer of Our Discontent

The Churches on Homosexuality

by David Kyle Foster

11.4—July/August, 1998

Lambeth & the Ways of Sex

by Louis R. Tarsitano

11.4—July/August, 1998

Homosexuality & Teen Suicide

by Alan P. Medinger

11.4—July/August, 1998

Sex Without Form & Void

Scripture, Tradition & Reason on Homosexuality

by Kendall S. Harmon

11.4—July/August, 1998

What Harm Can It Do to Study the Issue?

on Homosexuality

by Alan P. Medinger

11.4—July/August, 1998

Facing the Homosexual Void

Speaking the Truth in Love to Homosexuals

by Frederica Mathewes-Green

11.3—May/June, 1998

Sex Cathedra: Theology from the White House

by James Hitchcock

10.2—Spring, 1997

Breaking Up Is Hard

The Indecisive Debate about Homosexuality in the Episcopal Church

by Doug LeBlanc

8.2—Spring, 1995

When Brothers Dwell in Unity

Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell

by Leon J. Podles

3.1—Winter, 1989


The Forgotten Gift

by John Thompson

More topics.

more from the online archives

18.4—May 2005

The Absurd Reich

on the Politics of Demonic Nothingness by Gary Inbinder

11.6—November/December 1998

Rediscovering Advent

by Thomas S. Buchanan

14.1—January/February 2001

Fatherhood Uprooted

A Sociologist Looks at Fatherlessness & Its Causes by David Blankenhorn

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