Morally Bankrupt by Mark Tooley

Morally Bankrupt

Sex & Money at the National Council of Churches

by Mark Tooley

The troubled National Council of Churches (NCC) is trying to recover from financial turmoil and declining membership among its mostly mainline Protestant member communions. But its latest General Assembly meeting last November illustrated that sexual politics may prevent the kind of cooperation with Evangelicals and Roman Catholics for which the NCC leadership has been pressing. This helps to ensure that money will be a preoccupation for the NCC for the foreseeable future.


Mark Tooley directs the United Methodist committee of the Institute on Religion and Democracy ( in Washington, D.C.

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more on sex from the online archives

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31.6—November/December 2018

Of Single Importance

on the Church's Response to the Anti-marriage Tide by Diane Woerner

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No Ado About Something

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