touchstone archives
77 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.
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37.4—Jul/Aug, 2024
Beware Ecclesial Scandals Left & Right
37.2—Mar/Apr, 2024
The Blessing of Same-Sex Relationships in the Catholic Church
37.2—Mar/Apr, 2024
Let's Not Kid Ourselves
36.3—May/Jun, 2023
on Benedict XVI: A Protestant Appreciation
36.2—Mar/Apr, 2023
The Catholic Benedict XVI, RIP
35.6—Nov/Dec, 2022
Of Popes and Unicorns: Science, Christianity, and How the Conflict Thesis Fooled the World by David Hutchings and James C. Ungureanu
35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022
The Death Rattle of a Tradition
Contemporary Catholic Thinking on the Question of War
35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022
Our Dear-Bought Liberty: Catholics and Religious Toleration in Early America by Michael D. Breidenbach
35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022
The Failure & Confusions of a More Accommodating Faith
34.6—Nov/Dec, 2021
An Appreciation of Centesimus Annus on Its 30th Anniversary
33.5—September/October, 2020
A Protestant Appreciation of His Teaching
33.4—July/August, 2020
A Plan to Show Students a Pro-life Film Exposes Academic Infidelity
33.3—May/June, 2020
on James Murray's Brave Treatment of Quebec's Catholics
33.1—January/February, 2020
33.1—January/February, 2020
on a Saint's Charism That Cures Toxic Perfectionism
33.1—January/February, 2020
32.6—November/December, 2019
on Taking Heed of the Parallels Between the Crises of Yesterday & Today
32.4—July/August, 2019
32.3—May/June, 2019
on the Implications of Changing the Pater Noster
31.6—November/December, 2018
France's Reign of Terror & the Witness of the Church Militant
31.6—November/December, 2018
Ecumenical Agreement on Religious Liberty Awaits Catholic Clarity
31.6—November/December, 2018
The Slow Vindication of Leon Podles
31.3—May/June, 2018
30.6—Nov/Dec, 2017
Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History by Rodney Stark
29.5—Sept/Oct, 2016
Radical Reinvention: An Unlikely Return to the Roman Catholic Church by Kaya Oakes
29.3—May/June, 2016
A Deathbed Reflection on Catholic Social Teaching & Our Future Prospects
29.2—March/April, 2016
The Coup at Catholic University: The 1968 Revolution in American Catholic Education
by Peter M. Mitchell
28.6—Nov/Dec, 2015
The Evangelization of Society Can Benefit from the Spiritual Vision of Christopher Dawson
28.2—March/April, 2015
Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church
by Christian Smith, Kyle Longest, Jonathan Hill, and Kari Christoffersen
28.1—January/February, 2015
Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church
by George Weigel
27.5—Sept/Oct, 2014
The Culture of Death's Campaign Against the Catholic Church
27.5—Sept/Oct, 2014
Benedict XVI's Regensburg Lecture, St. John's Proemium & Intercultural Understanding
27.1—Jan/Feb, 2014
Battling for the Heart and Soul of a Catholic University
by Wilson D. Miscamble, C.S.C.
26.6—Nov/Dec, 2013
Imaginative Apologetics: Theology, Philosophy and the Catholic Tradition
edited by Andrew Davison
26.3—May/June, 2013
Benedict XVI's Fidelity on Behalf of the Faithful
25.4—July/August, 2012
Journeys of Faith: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Anglicanism
edited by Robert L. Plummer
24.5—Sept/Oct, 2011
on the Welcoming Catholicity of Closed Communion
24.5—Sept/Oct, 2011
A Critical Memoir of Thomas Merton at Gethsemani Abbey
23.3—May/June, 2010
Holy Ground: Walking with Jesus as a Former Catholic
by Chris Castaldo
23.2—March/April, 2010
Fires of Faith: Catholic England Under Mary Tudor by Eamon Duffy
22.6—July/August, 2009
Being Catholic Now: Prominent Americans Talk About Change In the Church and the Quest for Meaning by Kerry Kennedy
20.3—April, 2007
Four Scholars at Fordham Confront the Catholic Teen Dilemma
19.6—July/August, 2006
Why So Many Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court? Why Now?
19.5—June, 2006
The Pope, the Cardinal, the Jesuit & the Evolving Debate About Origins
19.1—January/February, 2006
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
By Thomas E. Woods Jr
18.5—June, 2005
on Disappointing Catholic Revisionists
18.4—May, 2005
Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy by Jay P. Corrin
17.9—November, 2004
Why I Am a Catholic
by Garry Wills
13.7—September, 2000
A Plea Against Polemics Between Catholics & Orthodox
15.6—July/August, 2002
Personal Catholicism
by Martin X. Moleski, S.J.
15.7—September, 2002
on the Crises of the American Catholic Church
15.7—September, 2002
The Dynamics of Celibacy & Homosexuality in the Catholic Church
15.8—October, 2002
The Crisis in the Catholic Church Extends Far Beyond Sex Scandals
16.4—May, 2003
The Courage to Be Catholic
by George Weigel
17.4—May, 2004
Old Catholics Fall Out over New Doctrines
15.2—March, 2002
Catholics and the Eucharist
by Stephen B. Clark
14.9—November, 2001
The Catholic Martyrs
of the Twentieth Century
by Robert Royal
15.1—January/February, 2002
The Hidden Presence of Tolkien's Catholicism in The Lord of the Rings
12.6—November/December, 1999
For Men Only:
Strategies for Living Catholic
by Mitch Finley
12.2—March/April, 1999
Desperately Seeking the Mainline?
Roman Catholic Bishops & the National Council of Churches
12.2—March/April, 1999
Sitting Still with Christopher Dawson
Eternity in Time:
Christopher Dawson and the
Catholic Idea of History
edited by Stratford Caldecott
and John Morril
12.2—March/April, 1999
The Church, the Incarnation, & the “Catholic Synthesis”
11.3—May/June, 1998
Sentiments Abstractly Christian
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, and the Catholic Imagination
11.1—January/February, 1998
A Catholic-Protestant Encounter in Dallas
10.4—Fall, 1997
Two Excerpts on the Relations Between Protestants, Roman Catholics, & Orthodox
10.4—Fall, 1997
The Catholic Imagination Encounters Bambi
10.3—Summer, 1997
Three Views of One Great Tradition
Reclaiming the Great Tradition: Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox in Dialogue
9.3—Summer, 1996
Brideshead Revisited Revisited
Moral Imagination & the Catholic Faith in Evelyn Waugh’s Modern Novel
8.4—Fall, 1995
An Encounter with an Evangelical-Roman Catholic Impasse
8.3—Summer, 1995
My Brother, Be He Ne’er So Vile?
The Difficulty & Promise of Catholic-Evangelical Rapprochement: An Address to an Evangelical Congregation
7.3—Summer, 1994
What Will the Catholic Church Teach About Women?
5.3—Summer, 1992
Catholics and the New Age by Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
4.3—Summer, 1991
The Catholic Imagination Encounters Bambi
3.3—Fall, 1989
Plight of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
3.3—Fall, 1989
Recent Catholic Literature from Japan by Kristopher H. Kowal
3.1—Winter, 1989
The Riddle of Papal Power
2.2—Winter, 1988
The Chicago Call Ten Years Later
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