The Hundred Years' War by Brantly Millegan


The Hundred Years' War

The Culture of Death's Campaign Against the Catholic Church

When it comes to advancing the culture of death in the West, the strategy most often used by its leaders has three parts, all centered on the Catholic Church.

First, isolate the Catholic Church from the rest of society. Frame any debate as the Catholic Church versus some other group or cause (women, Protestants, science, progress, and so on, or any combination of such). Sometimes the isolation will be somewhat rhetorical; at other times the Catholic Church will in fact be largely alone on the issue, in which case the goal is to emphasize that isolation.


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more on catholic from the online archives

27.5—Sept/Oct 2014

The Hundred Years' War

The Culture of Death's Campaign Against the Catholic Church by Brantly Millegan

31.6—November/December 2018

Enduring Sacrilege

The Slow Vindication of Leon Podles by S. M. Hutchens

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on Taking Heed of the Parallels Between the Crises of Yesterday & Today by Korey D. Maas

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Theodicies & Messy Desks

on the Infinite Problem of Goods & Evil by Hugh Hunter

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