touchstone archives


61 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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37.1—Jan/Feb, 2024

What Good Is Marriage?

The Deliberate Demise of Augustine-Christian Marriage

by Allan C. Carlson

33.2—March/April, 2020

Christian Pro-Family Governments?

Old & New Lessons from Europe

by Allan C. Carlson

33.1—January/February, 2020

Fewer & Farther Between

on Generational Spacing & Familial Inertia

by Elizabeth Nussen

32.1—January/February, 2019

Sexed Messages

The True Meaning of Sexuality Consists of Father, Mother & Child

by Pete Jermann

32.1—January/February, 2019

Birthing Room

Maternity in Literature & Our Need to Find Better Words for Large Families

by Rebekah Curtis

32.1—January/February, 2019

Surprised by Delight

Divine Love & the Love of Man & Woman Surpass Mere Consent

by Anthony Esolen

31.5—September/October, 2018

The Wedding Guest

O Father All Creating

by Anthony Esolen

31.1—January/February, 2018

Model Marriage

An Appeal to the Churches Concerning Marriage Vows

by W. Ross Blackburn

30.1—Jan/Feb, 2017

The Heart of Paradise

The Godly Hierarchies of Love & Marriage

by Diane Woerner

29.3—May/June, 2016

Enemies on the Left

Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage
by Paul Kengor

by Richard Weikart

29.3—May/June, 2016

Love Is Love

But Sex Is Sex, the Essential Foundation of Authentic Marriage

by Tyler Blanski

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016

Wilberforce for Good

on Marriage, Moral Corruption & the Christian Duty of Witness

by Regis Nicoll

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016

The Vanishing Point of Marriage

How the Minimalist Redefinition Erodes a Foundational Institution

by Andrew J. Peach

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016


on How the State of Marriage Looks from China & Within China

by David Marshall

28.6—Nov/Dec, 2015

Here We Stand

on Opposing Caesar on Same-Sex "Marriage" 

by Robert Hart

28.2—March/April, 2015

Man, Woman & the Mystery of Christ

An Evangelical Protestant Perspective

by Russell D. Moore

28.1—January/February, 2015

Living in the Land of Cain

The Sad Journey of Marriage & Sex from Lambeth to the Land of Nod

by John S. Hamlon

28.1—January/February, 2015

Altered Matrimony

on State Impositions & Church Acquiescence

by Stephen Baskerville

27.6—Nov/Dec, 2014

Tales of Forbidden Stereotypes

Real-Life Men & Women & the Tragic Loss of Human Comedy

by Anthony Esolen

27.5—Sept/Oct, 2014

No Offense Taken

What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense
by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George

by Douglas Farrow

27.3—May/June, 2014

Sex & the American Experience

Facts versus Stereotypes About Love & Marriage in the Land of the Free

by Allan C. Carlson

27.3—May/June, 2014

Stale Mated

on Why Defending Life & Marriage Has Gone Badly

by Brantly Millegan

26.4—July/August, 2013

Feint of Heart

on a So-Called Truce in the War Against Marriage

by Kenneth D. Whitehead

26.1—Jan/Feb, 2013

An Engaging Proposal

Lessons on Courtship & Covenantal Marriage from Ancient Israel

by Ryan Messmore

25.1—Jan/Feb, 2012

Marriage or Friendship?

on Defending Marriage & Not Confusing It with Other Things

by Gregory J. Mansour

24.1—January/February, 2011

The Romance of Domesticity

Marriage Thrives in Reality, Not in Our Dreams

by Nathan Schlueter

24.1—January/February, 2011

Two Souls, One Flesh

The Divine Invention of Man & Marriage Is a Prodigious Mystery

by Alice Von Hildebrand

23.6—November/December, 2010

The Sacred Feminine

on the Incarnation & the Ordained Ministry

by Robert Hart

23.5—September/October, 2010

Sanity & Matrimony

Ten Arguments in Defense of Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

by Anthony Esolen

23.4—July/August, 2010

Sanity & Matrimony

Ten Arguments in Defense of Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

by Anthony Esolen

23.1—January/February, 2010

Radiant Beauty

Miss Betsey: A Memoir of Marriage
by Eugene Genovese

by David Paul Deavel

23.1—January/February, 2010

Custodial State

Nation of Bastards: Essays on the End of Marriage
by Douglas Farrow

by Allan C. Carlson

23.1—January/February, 2010

Domestic Disturbances

The Rising Polyamorous Culture Is Out to Get Your Children

by Patrick F. Fagan

22.4—May, 2009

Take & Give

on Two Words That Describe the Workings of Love

by Bruce Brander

22.1—January/February, 2009

Sexes United

Marriage: The Dream That Refuses to Die by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

by Anne Hendershott

22.1—January/February, 2009

Phony Matrimony

Or What King Kamehameha II Teaches Us About the Last Marriage Taboo

by Christopher Oleson

22.1—January/February, 2009

Divorced from Reality

“We’re from the Government, and We’re Here to End Your Marriage.”

by Stephen Baskerville

21.5—June, 2008

Unmarried, Still Children

on Children Who’ve Been Raised for Everything but Marriage

by Joan Frawley Desmond

21.1—January/February, 2008

One Flesh of Purest Gold

John Chrysostom’s Discovery of the Blessings & Mysteries of Marriage

by Mike Aquilina

20.8—October, 2007

Helpers Meet?

A Symposium on Dating, Courtship & Marriage

by S. M. Hutchens

20.4—May, 2007

Marital Bedrock

Conjugal America: On the Public Purposes of Marriage
by Allan Carlson

by Robert W. Patterson

20.3—April, 2007

Wedded Best

The Meaning of Marriage: Family, State, Market & Morals
edited by Robert P. George and Jean Bethke Elshtain

by L. P. Fairfield

19.10—December, 2006

At Loose Ends

Remarriage After Divorce in Today?s Church
edited by Mark Strauss

by Russell D. Moore

19.1—January/February, 2006

The Family Factors

Six Lessons from History About the Future of Marriage & Family in the United States

by Allan C. Carlson

18.9—November, 2005

Bans of Matrimony

A Constitutional Amendment Is the Only Way to Protect Marriage

by Gerard V. Bradley

18.2—March, 2005

The Ties That Bend

Divorcing Marriage
edited by Daniel Cere
and Douglas Farrow

by Graeme Hunter

18.1—January/February, 2005

Five Rings & a Wedding

Marriage & the Concentric Communities That Surround It

by Allan C. Carlson

18.1—January/February, 2005

Rush to Alter

How Homosexuals Benefit from the Devolution of Marriage

by Bryce Christensen

17.8—October, 2004

High Courts & Misdemeanors

Lochnerizing Courts & the Abolition of Marriage

by Robert P. George

17.7—September, 2004

Godly Eros

on Christian Love in Marriage

by Peter J. Leithart

13.3—April, 2000

Courtship for Christians

Her Hand in Marriage
by Douglas Wilson

by Kevin Offner

13.4—May, 2000

The Largest Career of All

on Motherhood

by Bethany Patchin

14.1—January/February, 2001

The Christian Heart of Fatherhood

The Place of Marriage, Authority & Service in the Recovery of Fatherhood

by John M. Haas

14.4—May, 2001

A Rite for the Uncommitted

on “Shacking Up”

by Samuel Pascoe

16.1—January/February, 2003

Choosing Love & Making Life

Sex, Love, Marriage & the Culture of Death

by David Mills

16.8—October, 2003

Canadian Infidelity

on Courts, Churches & “Gay Marriage”

by Ian Hunter

16.9—November, 2003

Defining Marriage Down

on the Strategy of “Gay” Activists for “Gay Marriage”

by Adam G. Mersereau

17.3—April, 2004

Credible Marriages

on the Christian Destruction of Marriage

by Louis R. Tarsitano

16.3—April, 2003

The Good of Religion

What the Facts Show About Religion, Marriage & Society

by William L. Saunders

14.10—December, 2001

When Marriage Is Dying

on the Meaning of Christian Marriage

by Peter J. Leithart

9.4—Fall, 1996

A Sin Which Can Be Forgiven

Toward a Biblical Perspective on Divorce and Remarriage in the Churches Today

by Peter Toon

More topics.

more from the online archives

16.4—May 2003

Common Sense

Chesterton & the Aristotelian Tradition by Patrick Henry Reardon

23.1—January/February 2010

The Audacity of the State

It’s Bent on Bringing Down the House on the Family & the Church by Douglas Farrow

31.6—November/December 2018

Alias Santa Claus

on Childhood Encounters with a Christmas Icon by Rebecca Sicree

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