What Was I Made For?

“I am an involuntary witness to God’s grace, and to the fortifying power of faith.” (Whittaker Chambers in a letter to his children)

It all began the morning I started coughing up bright red blood. I only did it once or twice, but the amount of blood was not insignificant. It left me wondering whether I should go to the hospital or something. I hate hospitals, so of course I resisted the obvious answer to that question, one which anyone else would have understood immediately. I was assisted in my temporary denial by the fact that I actually felt perfectly normal. Other than the blood coating the palm of my hand, I didn’t seem to be in any distress.

Except that I was a few hours from dying.


Keith Lowery works as a senior fellow at a major semiconductor manufacturer, where he does advanced software research. He worked in technology startups for over 20 years and for a while was a principal engineer at amazon.com. He currently serves as an elder at Lake Ridge Bible Church in a suburb of Dallas, Texas.

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