Two Souls, One Flesh by Alice von Hildebrand


Two Souls, One Flesh

The Divine Invention of Man & Marriage Is a Prodigious Mystery

When at age eleven, I took a course on seventeenth-century French literature—French is my beautiful mother tongue—I made the discovery of Pascal, and started reading his Pensées. Not only did he overwhelm me with the beauty of his style, but he also awakened in me a profound philosophical interest. I started memorizing many of his most beautiful thoughts, and I recall reciting them over and over again as I walked along the Belgian seashore where my parents had a summer home.

A portion of one pensée (72) deserves special attention:


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24.1—January/February 2011

The Romance of Domesticity

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28.1—January/February 2015

Altered Matrimony

on State Impositions & Church Acquiescence by Stephen Baskerville

29.1—Jan/Feb 2016

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on Marriage, Moral Corruption & the Christian Duty of Witness by Regis Nicoll

more from the online archives

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Great & Wonderful Days

The Death of Conservatism & the Negative World by J. Douglas Johnson

18.2—March 2005

Long Shadows of Eden

On Conservatism as Vexation, Vanity & Near Impossibility by Graeme Hunter

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Paul Didn’t Build Bridges to Popular Culture by Russell D. Moore

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