touchstone archives


59 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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35.6—Nov/Dec, 2022

One Big Phony War

Of Popes and Unicorns: Science, Christianity, and How the Conflict Thesis Fooled the World by David Hutchings and James C. Ungureanu

by Max Longley

35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

The Sacred Cosmos

The World of Matter & Spirit United in Praise of Its Creator

by Jonathan R. Bryan

33.4—July/August, 2020

Human Integrity

The Restoration of Man: C. S. Lewis and the Continuing Case Against Scientism by Michael Aeschliman

by Bernice Lerner

33.2—March/April, 2020

Enlightenment Cancelled

on How the Naturalists Refute Themselves

by Engelbert Recktenwald

33.1—January/February, 2020

Phillip E. Johnson

by James M. Kushiner

31.4—July/August, 2018

Transgenderism: What the Biology Professor Must Say

by S. M. Hutchens

31.1—January/February, 2018

Intelligent Design & the University

by S. M. Hutchens

30.5—Sept/Oct, 2017

Discipled Science

The True Scientist Should Have No Conflict with the Christian Faith

by Thomas S. Buchanan

30.3—May/June, 2017

Wonderments & Possibilia

An Invitation to Look Outside the Box of Materialism

by Stanley E. Anderson

30.1—Jan/Feb, 2017

But Is He Sure?

The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution by David Wootton

by Graeme Hunter

29.4—July/August, 2016

Naked Truth

on Noticing That Modern Science Has Rendered Atheism Irrational

by Harry Biltz

28.2—March/April, 2015

The Icon of Materialism

Why Scientism's Cherished Progress Narrative Fails

by Jonathan Witt

27.1—Jan/Feb, 2014

A Science of Man

Treatise on Human Nature: The Complete Text (Summa Theologiae I, Questions 75–102)
by Thomas Aquinas, translated by Alfred J. Freddoso

by R. V. Young

26.3—May/June, 2013

A Doubting Thomas

by Phillip E. Johnson

26.2—Mar/Apr, 2013

Imperial Science

Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism by Alvin Plantinga

by Louis Markos

26.2—Mar/Apr, 2013

Diabolical Science

The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions by David Berlinski

by Matthew Dowling

25.5—Sept/Oct, 2012

Believe Free or Die

on Mathematical Certainty & the Liberty of Faith

by Patrick Henry Reardon

25.5—Sept/Oct, 2012

Believe It or Not

The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions
by Karl W. Giberson
and Francis S. Collins

by Casey Luskin

25.3—May/Jun, 2012

Life on Purpose

The Good Atheist: Living a Purpose-Filled Life Without God by Dan Barker

Surprised by Meaning: Science, Faith, and How We Make Sense of Things by Alister E. McGrath

by Logan Paul Gage

24.6—Nov/Dec, 2011

Freed Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

24.4—July/August, 2011

The Pope & Intelligent Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

22.7—September/October, 2009

Science Fictions

on a Random Quantum Fluctuation

by Marilyn Prever

21.8—October, 2008

Title-Nining Hard Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

21.6—July/August, 2008

Obstructed View

Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism
by Cornelius G. Hunter

by Terry Scambray

21.4—May, 2008

Science Futures

by Phillip E. Johnson

21.2—March, 2008

Science by Consensus

by Phillip E. Johnson

20.8—October, 2007

History Unhinged

Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art from the Cults of Catholic Europe

by Robert C. Cheeks

20.7—September, 2007

Science Club

Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design
by Thomas Woodward

by Louis Markos

20.6—July/August, 2007

Cosmic Grandeur

A Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature
by Benjamin Wiker and Johathan Witt

by Jay W. Richards

20.3—April, 2007

Misleading Edge

Intelligent Thought: Science Versus the Intelligent Design Movement edited by John Brockman

by Anika Smith

19.10—December, 2006

Between Heaven & Earth

Science and Belief in the Nuclear Age
by Peter E. Hodgson

by Anne Barbeau Gardiner

19.3—April, 2006

From Soup To Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

19.2—March, 2006

Virtuous Science

by Wilfred M. McClay

18.7—September, 2005

Seances & Science

The Lessons of the Spiritualist Challenge to Darwinism

by John Mark Reynolds

13.4—May, 2000

God’s Reasons

Science, Religion & the Right to Life

by Robert P. George

13.4—May, 2000

Ecclesiastical Math

by Thomas S. Buchanan

13.4—May, 2000

The Flimflam Apostles

The Jesus Seminar Goes on a Mission

by Mark Tooley

14.3—April, 2001

Abortion & the Mother’s Life

by Patrick Henry Reardon

14.4—May, 2001

Bill Clinton Was Right! (About the Human Genome)

by Phillip E. Johnson

14.6—July/August, 2001

Engaging Science

The Wedge of Truth
by Phillip E. Johnson

by David J. Tyler

15.4—May, 2002

Outside Darwin’s Box

on Surviving Obsolete Science

by W. Clayton Brumby

15.6—July/August, 2002

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

on God & Science

by Thomas S. Buchanan

15.10—December, 2002

The Heirs of Galileo

on Evolution & Reasonable Science

by Louis Markos

17.6—July/August, 2004

Darwin Under Fire

By Design by Larry Witham
Science and Evidence for
Design in the Universe
by Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski, and Stephen C. Meyer
and 9 others

by James M. Kushiner

17.6—July/August, 2004

Science & Wisdom

A Sidebar in Edward Sisson's "Darwin or Lose"

by David Mills

17.6—July/August, 2004

Reality & Reluctant Science

Old Science Confronts a Formidable Challenge in the Scientific ID Movement

by Jay W. Richards

16.10—December, 2003

Mothballed Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

17.2—March, 2004

Blinded by Science

The Sense of Being Stared At
by Rupert Sheldrake

by Peter J. Leithart

16.7—September, 2003

Recovering Rational Science

Collective Electrodynamics
by Carver A. Mead

by David Haddon

15.5—June, 2002

Virtual Evolution

on Media & the Nature of Science

by Peter J. Leithart

12.4—July/August, 1999

The Wedge

Breaking the Modernist Monopoly on Science

by Phillip E. Johnson

12.4—July/August, 1999

Getting God a Pass

Science, Theology, & the Consideration of Intelligent Design

by John Mark Reynolds

12.4—July/August, 1999

The World as Text

Science, Letters & the Recovery of Meaning

by Patrick Henry Reardon

12.4—July/August, 1999

The Regeneration of Science & Culture

The Cultural Implications of Scientific Materialism Versus Intelligent Design

by John G. West

10.3—Summer, 1997

The Cult of the Holy Catholic Gene

The Human Genome & the New Religion of the Scientific Social Engineer

by Marion Montgomery

8.1—Winter, 1995

Science & the Christian Faith

Two Views

by Phillip E. Johnson

7.4—Fall, 1994

Philosophy Disguised as Science

Darwin on Trial by Phillip Johnson

by Brian McDonald

6.4—Fall, 1993

Creation, Science and the New Gnosticism

by Austin L. Hughes

3.3—Fall, 1989

The Man for Whom the World was Made

by George L. Murphy

More topics.

more from the online archives

31.1—January/February 2018

Beggars Before Christ

on Taking the Measure of the Deserving & the Undeserving Poor by Martin Bordelon

14.1—January/February 2001

The Christian Heart of Fatherhood

The Place of Marriage, Authority & Service in the Recovery of Fatherhood by John M. Haas

31.5—September/October 2018

Taking Liberties

The Secular State Without the Decalogue by James M. Kushiner

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