A Science of Man by R. V. Young


A Science of Man

Treatise on Human Nature: The Complete Text (Summa Theologiae I, Questions 75–102) by Thomas Aquinas, translated by Alfred J. Freddoso

St. Augustine's Press, 2010
(365 pages, $20.00, paperback)

reviewed by R. V. Young

In an ideal world there would be no need for translations of the Summa Theologiae: having an education sufficient to peruse this text would also mean having studied enough Latin to read it in the original. This is not an ideal world, and it is possible to attain an advanced degree in a learned subject and still require help in grasping the meaning of a text written in what ought to be recognized as the fundamental language of Western civilization.


R. V. Young is Professor of English Emeritus at North Carolina State University, a former editor of Modern Age: A Quarterly Review, and the author of Shakespeare and the Idea of Western Civilization (Catholic University of America Press, 2022). He and his wife are parishioners at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Tarpon Springs, Florida. They have five grown children, fifteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He is a senior editor of Touchstone.

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