touchstone archives

Church history

33 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

A Promising Dialogue

Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: Contemporary Issues in Global Perspective edited by Bradley Nassif and Tim Grass

by Philip LeMasters

35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

The Church of Santa Prisca

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

The Death Rattle of a Tradition

Contemporary Catholic Thinking on the Question of War

by Andrew Latham

35.2—Mar/Apr, 2022

Let's Talk About Sin

Retrieving Compunction & Introspection

by Hans Boersma

34.6—Nov/Dec, 2021

Virgin Mother & Child

on Fourteen Theses on the Virgin Birth

by Joshua Steely

34.3—May/June, 2021

Masterpiece Prayers

on Timely Anglican Light from the 1662 Prayer Book

by Lance Nixon

34.3—May/June, 2021

Saint from the Danube Delta

on Saint John Cassian

by Patrick Henry Reardon

34.2—March/April, 2021

Renewing Our Inheritance

Bach's St. John Passion by the Bach Collegium Japan

by Ken Myers

34.1—January/February, 2021

Vanier and Bikram

A Strange but Illuminating Comparison

by Jeremy M. Rios

34.1—January/February, 2021

The First-Wave Bible

on the Gospel According to Elizabeth Cady Stanton

by Rebekah Curtis

33.3—May/June, 2020

Apostolic Symbol

on the Authenticity of the Apostles' Creed

by Bryan Litfin

33.3—May/June, 2020

See That You Are Not Alarmed?

On Flight & Fight in the Present Tribulation

by Douglas Farrow

33.3—May/June, 2020

Medieval Thinking

Our Modern Rights Tradition Has Much Older Roots Than Many Realize

by Andrew Latham

33.2—March/April, 2020

John the Baptist by Anton Raphael Mengs

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

33.1—January/February, 2020

All One in Christ

Why Christian Platonism Is Key to the Great Tradition

by Hans Boersma

33.1—January/February, 2020

The Religion of Antichrist

by S. M. Hutchens

33.1—January/February, 2020

Surprised by Gentleness

on a Saint's Charism That Cures Toxic Perfectionism

by Colleen Carroll Campbell

33.1—January/February, 2020

Portrait of St. Luke in the Gospel Book of Otto III

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

32.6—November/December, 2019

Reformation Redux?

on Taking Heed of the Parallels Between the Crises of Yesterday & Today

by Korey D. Maas

32.5—September/October, 2019

Some Words on the Church

by S. M. Hutchens

32.5—September/October, 2019

Peter's Sword

by Patrick Henry Reardon

31.2—March/April, 2018

Celtic Spirituality Revisited

on Insights from the Rule of Columbanus

by Andrew Garnett

31.2—March/April, 2018

The Garland of Immortality

A Theology of Martyrdom in the Early Church

by Bryan A. Stewart

31.1—January/February, 2018

Survival of the Thomist

Aquinas and Evolution: Why St. Thomas' Teaching on the Origins Is Incompatible with Evolutionary Theory by Michael Chaberek, O.P.

by D. Q. McInerny

31.1—January/February, 2018

A Great Cloud of Moral Witness

on the Solid Historical Consensus Regarding Homosexual Practice

by James S. Spiegel

30.6—Nov/Dec, 2017

Defensive Lapses

Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History by Rodney Stark

by R. V. Young

30.5—Sept/Oct, 2017

The Age of Reformations

The Critical History Before, During & After Martin Luther

by James Hitchcock

28.5—Sept/Oct, 2015

The Gospel Out of Egypt

Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Church

by James M. Kushiner

13.6—July/August, 2000

Getting Justification Right

Getting the Gospel Right
by R. C. Sproul
Union with Christ
Carl E. Braaten and
Robert W. Jenson, eds.

by S. M. Hutchens

14.3—April, 2001

The Pilgrim Church

Safeguarding the Faith in Hostile Environments

by William J. Tighe

14.4—May, 2001

Andrew, the First-Called

by Patrick Henry Reardon

15.2—March, 2002

Necessary Doctrine

Why Dogma Is Needed & Why Substitutes Fail

by David Mills

1.1—Fall, 1986

James the Just of Jerusalem

Forgotten Saint, Forgotten City

by James M. Kushiner

More topics.

more from the online archives

35.4—Jul/Aug 2022

The Death Rattle of a Tradition

Contemporary Catholic Thinking on the Question of War by Andrew Latham

16.10—December 2003

Calculating Christmas

on the Story Behind December 25 by William J. Tighe

19.4—May 2006

Liberalism as Religion

The Culture War Is Between Religious Believers on Both Sides by Howard P. Kainz

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