articles by James Hitchcock

31.6 — November/December 2018

Saved Through Fire

France's Reign of Terror & the Witness of the Church Militant

31.2 — March/April 2018

The Abusive Society

The Far Country of Sexual Rebellion

31.1 — January/February 2018

Dealing with Trump

A Comfort Zone for Christians Remains Elusive

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

The Great Divorce

Christianity & the Liberal Society

30.5 — Sept/Oct 2017

The Age of Reformations

The Critical History Before, During & After Martin Luther

29.6 — Nov/Dec 2016

The Gathering Storm

on the Transformative Election of 2016

29.4 — July/August 2016

• FORUM: Response

A History of Religious Freedom

29.3 — May/June 2016

Flailing Democracy

Left-Right Populism versus American Elitism

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

Revealing Snapshots

People and Events That Shaped Christianity by Ralph E. MacKenzie

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

Idols of the State

Secularists Want All Religion Out of the Public Square, Except Theirs

29.1 — Jan/Feb 2016

Bargain Debasement

Secular Credibility Is a Devilish Temptation

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

Ferguson Misery

History, Theology & Mythmaking from a Deadly Encounter

28.6 — Nov/Dec 2015

The Right Side of History?

Few Are Willing to Recognize It

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

Eyeing the Sanctuary

Freedom for Churches Affirmed . . . For Now

27.4 — July/August 2014

The Very Rev. Allen

on the Passing of Bishop Pike's Celebrated Convert

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

For Notre Dame

Battling for the Heart and Soul of a Catholic University
by Wilson D. Miscamble, C.S.C.

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

The New Martyrs

Witnesses to the Conversion of a Culture

26.2 — Mar/Apr 2013

The New Heretics

Believers Are No Longer Credible as Public Citizens

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

Square None

Pious Public Silence Is Dereliction of Duty (Unless You're Amish)

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

The Welfare Snare

Christian Conflict with the Liberal State Is by Design

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

The French Connection

The Many Parallels Between France’s Revolution & Today’s Anti-Christian Secularism

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

We, the Enemy

The Liberal State & the Decline of Pluralism

24.4 — July/August 2011

God & Freedom

Conservative Foundations of the Liberal Order
by Daniel J. Mahoney
God and the Atlantic
by Thomas Albert Howard

24.1 — January/February 2011

From Ode to Joy FM

on the Sale of a Lutheran Classical Station

24.1 — January/February 2011

Special Election?

Christians Can Never Put Their Trust in Princes

22.8 — November/December 2009

Citizen, Heal Thyself

Social Sins Are Easily & Fashionably Confessed

22.4 — May 2009

Losing Our Grips

on the Cultural Suicide of the Newly Enlightened

22.1 — January/February 2009

Subject to Change

Can Traditional Societies Survive the Power of Modernity?

21.10 — December 2008

Morality Ploys

Big Bailouts & Culture War Maneuvers You Can Expect

19.7 — September 2006

Without Conscience

19.3 — April 2006

Our Bad

Pervasive Wickedness & What We Must Say About It

18.5 — June 2005

A Pope Alive

17.9 — November 2004

Paper Popes

17.7 — September 2004

Faith-Based Restrictions

17.4 — May 2004

Supremely Modern Liberals

The Unhappy & Abusive Marriage of Liberalism & Modernism

17.3 — April 2004

Europe Passé

When the World Sets the Agenda for the Church

16.10 — December 2003

Fantasy Faith

on the Resurgence of Gnosticism

16.7 — September 2003

Dissent as Orthodoxy

16.6 — July/August 2003

The Paradox of Enemies & Allies

A Response to Timothy George

16.6 — July/August 2003

"First, Do No Harm"

16.3 — April 2003

Political Orphans

How the Democratic Party Left Traditional Believers Behind

15.8 — October 2002

Exploiting the Abused

15.7 — September 2002

The Crime of Punishment

Capital Punishment & Cultural Change in American Life

15.6 — July/August 2002

Things Hidden Since the Beginning of the World

The Shape of Divine Providence & Human History

15.6 — July/August 2002

Population & Religious Freedom

15.3 — April 2002

Vessel of Clay

America's Bishop
by Thomas C. Reeves

15.3 — April 2002

Looking for Truth in Dangerous Places

15.1 — January/February 2002

The Mystery of Evil

14.10 — December 2001

Christianity American Style

14.9 — November 2001

For Times Such as These

Lincoln's Historic Proclamation Appointing a National Day of Prayer & Fasting—A Sidebar to "The Essence & Power of Evil"

14.9 — November 2001

The Essence & Power of Evil

14.7 — September 2001

Normal Schools

14.6 — July/August 2001

The Rise & Decline of Christendom in the West

Christopher Dawson’s Panoramic View of Christian Europe

14.5 — June 2001

Religion Without Salvation

14.3 — April 2001

Imposing Beliefs?

13.9 — November 2000

Vatican II Is Still News

13.8 — October 2000

Disgruntled & Deceitful

Papal Sin
by Garry Wills

13.7 — September 2000

Weighing the Court

13.5 — June 2000

Darwinism & the Liberal Cause

13.2 — March 2000

On Robert George

12.6 — November/December 1999

Blinded by Ambition?

Blinded by Might
by Cal Thomas and
Ed Dobson

12.3 — May/June 1999

No Answer for Littleton

11.3 — May/June 1998

Sex Cathedra: Theology from the White House

11.2 — March/April 1998

Resenting the Child

10.4 — Fall 1997

The Small Voice, Still

10.3 — Summer 1997

Murder & the Modern Conscience

A Case Study of Two Murders, the Trials, and the Question of Moral Responsibility

10.2 — Spring 1997

Our Common Challenge

10.1 — Winter 1997

Christ & Culture: A Dilemma Reconsidered

A New Look at Culture, Christians & the State

8.4 — Fall 1995

Has the Shooting Stopped?

6.1 — Winter 1993

In Stillness Tried

short pieces by James Hitchcock

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