touchstone archives


55 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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36.3—May/Jun, 2023

Selfie Vocations

by S. M. Hutchens

36.3—May/Jun, 2023

Touchstone Churches?

by J. Douglas Johnson

36.1—Jan/Feb, 2023

Ronald J. Sider

on a Most Conscientious Believer

by Howard Ahmanson

35.4—Jul/Aug, 2022

Questionable Assurances

by S. M. Hutchens

35.3—May/Jun, 2022


by S. M. Hutchens

34.2—March/April, 2021

Expository Preaching

by S. M. Hutchens

34.2—March/April, 2021

Virtual Sacraments

by S. M. Hutchens

34.1—January/February, 2021

That Great Man

Remembering Chaplain Moody, Who Was Always There for His Men

by Raymond J. Brown

34.1—January/February, 2021

Vanier and Bikram

A Strange but Illuminating Comparison

by Jeremy M. Rios

33.5—September/October, 2020

Doing Well with Youth

by S. M. Hutchens

33.5—September/October, 2020

Killing Homicide

on Missing Fathers & Redemption in Prison

by Bob Perry

32.6—November/December, 2019

A Methodist Youth

Christian Faith & Formation in Rural Alabama

by Maclin Horton

32.6—November/December, 2019

A Shorter Way to Fall

on a Romanian Cautionary Tale for Fallible Pastors

by Brendon Sylvester

32.4—July/August, 2019

Pastor Prime

on a Steady Presence in an Unsteady World

by Preston Jones

32.2—March/April, 2019


The Good Pastor Finishes His Course

by S. M. Hutchens

32.1—January/February, 2019

Once Removed

on Sectarian Endurance & Women's Ordination

by S. M. Hutchens

32.1—January/February, 2019

Role Reversals

Sex, Women's Ordination & the Rejection of Hierarchy & Equality

by James A. Altena

31.5—September/October, 2018

Pastoral Realism

on the Congregation as a Wilderness

by Paul Gregory Alms

31.5—September/October, 2018

Unsaintly Saintliness

on Graham Greene's Whisky Priest

by Steven Faulkner

31.4—July/August, 2018

No Mere Cleric

Lionhearts: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel by Ray Keating

by Raymond J. Brown

31.3—May/June, 2018

Laborers for the Harvest

Billy Graham's Legacy Is All Around Us

by James M. Kushiner

30.4—July/Aug, 2017

Unsettled Celibacy

Uncertain Sounds for Ministry

by S. M. Hutchens

30.3—May/June, 2017

Therapy in Christ's Name

When Hearts Become Flame: An Eastern Orthodox Approach to the Dia-Logos of Pastoral Counseling (2nd ed.) by Stephen Muse

by Eric L. Johnson

30.1—Jan/Feb, 2017

Speaking of Jesus

on a Pastor's Evangelical Ministry to Muslims

by Nikolas Grosfield

29.4—July/August, 2016

Nice Pope, Mean Priests

by S. M. Hutchens

29.2—March/April, 2016

Murderers' Row: A Pastor Stephen Grant Novel

by Ray Keating

by Raymond J. Brown

29.1—Jan/Feb, 2016

Pulpit Masters

The Pastor as a Public Theologian: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Owen Strachan

by S. M. Hutchens

28.2—March/April, 2015

Thine the Deadly Pain

on How a Presbyterian Pastor Rediscovered the Passion

by Michael S. Luckey

27.1—Jan/Feb, 2014

The Quandary of the Good Woman Pastor

by S. M. Hutchens

26.3—May/June, 2013

The Pharmakon Athanasias

on Worshiping the Lord Without Lying About the Faith

by S. M. Hutchens

26.3—May/June, 2013

Passing It On

Benedict XVI's Fidelity on Behalf of the Faithful

by S. M. Hutchens

19.9—November, 2006

Priest of the Cosmos

The Day Without Yesterday: Lemaître, Einstein, and the Birth of Modern Cosmology

by Guillermo Gonzalez

19.6—July/August, 2006

Recreational Sect

on the Biker Pastor’s Comfortable Religion

by James M. Harrison

18.8—October, 2005

Wearing the Cross

on Servant Leadership & other Pastoral Fads

by Paul Gregory Alms

18.6—Nov/Dec, 2005

Pastors Courageous

by Patrick Henry Reardon

18.4—May, 2005

Another Christ or Another Joe?

The Priest Is Not His Own
by Fulton Sheen

by Robert Hart

18.4—May, 2005

Sundays in the Country

on the Surprising Joys of Pastoring a Rural Flock

by Joel Tom Tate

17.9—November, 2004

A Grief Observed

On Being a Living Priest in a Dying Church in Sweden

by Folke T. Olofsson

13.3—April, 2000

Between Two Fears

Why Gregory Nazianzen Ran Away from the Priesthood: A Reflection on His Second Oration

by Addison H. Hart

14.1—January/February, 2001

Too Close for Comfort

on Liberal Christianity

by Rod Dreher

14.3—April, 2001

Facing Women in the East

Women and the Priesthood
edited by Thomas Hopko

by Richard J. Mammana, Jr.

14.3—April, 2001

Death, Where Is Thy Dignity?

on Pastoral Rigor Mortis

by Robbie Low

15.4—May, 2002

In Praise of the Good Pastor

by S. M. Hutchens

15.6—July/August, 2002

Priests Most Wanted

by Leon J. Podles

15.7—September, 2002

Priests, Passion & Power

The Dynamics of Celibacy & Homosexuality in the Catholic Church

by Leon J. Podles

16.9—November, 2003

Episcopal Road to Nowhere

ECUSA’s “Gay” Bishop Is Not Christianity’s Future

by Mark Tooley

17.2—March, 2004

The Signified Man

Ordination & the Shape of the Pastoral Office

by S. M. Hutchens

12.5—September/October, 1999

Hateful Pastor Distorts Christianity

by Mark Tooley

12.4—July/August, 1999

The Divide That Is There

on Egalitarian Christianity

by S. M. Hutchens

11.3—May/June, 1998

Sacred Truth, Profane Cinema

Another Look at the Film Priest

by R. Ambrose Aufill

11.1—January/February, 1998

The Skulls of Priests

by Christopher Check

10.2—Spring, 1997

When Madness Reigned

The crisis in Albania from the perspective of a missionary priest of the Orthodox Church of Albania

by Luke Veronis

8.4—Fall, 1995

The Demise of Biblical Preaching

Distortions of the Gospel and its Recovery

by Donald G. Bloesch

6.1—Winter, 1993

Women Priests

A Response to Thomas F. Torrence

by Patrick Henry Reardon

5.4—Fall, 1992

God, Gender, and the Pastoral Office

by S. M. Hutchens

More topics.

more from the online archives

29.4—July/August 2016

Deep Roots

Russell Kirk: American Conservative by Bradley J. Birzer by Hunter Baker

24.1—January/February 2011

The Romance of Domesticity

Marriage Thrives in Reality, Not in Our Dreams by Nathan Schlueter

31.1—January/February 2018

Mere Sexuality

Getting Sex Wrong Is a Foundational Error by James M. Kushiner

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