Rush to Alter by Bryce Christensen

Rush to Alter

How Homosexuals Benefit from the Devolution of Marriage

by Bryce Christensen

Only the ideologically blind would deny that homosexual marriage threatens violence against the moral and legal traditions that have defined wedlock for millennia. Homosexual activists have themselves asserted that they aim at more than a “mere ‘aping’” of heterosexual marriage: They want homosexual marriage to “destabilize marriage’s gendered definition by disrupting the link between gender and marriage.” They thus value the homosexual wedding ceremony in part because of the “transformation that it makes on the people around us.”1


Bryce Christensen teaches English at Southern Utah University and is a contributing editor to The Family in America ( He is the author of Utopia Against the Family (Ignatius) and editor of several volumes, including The Retreat from Marriage (Rowman & Littlefield), The Family Wage (Focus on the Family), and Day Care: Child Psychology and Adult Economics (The Rockford Institute).

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