articles by Hunter Baker

33.5 — September/October 2020

The End of Liberal Democracy

Constitutionalism Without Christian Humanism

33.1 — January/February 2020

Spiritual, Not Religious

Pagans & Christians in the City: Culture Wars from the Tiber to the Potomac by Steven D. Smith

31.1 — January/February 2018

Glorified Occupations

Consumer Man versus Working Man: Thoughts on the Value of Work

29.4 — July/August 2016

Deep Roots

Russell Kirk: American Conservative by Bradley J. Birzer

28.3 — May/June 2015

The Spy Who Turned Witness

Whittaker Chambers's Lonely War Against Godless Collectivism

27.5 — Sept/Oct 2014

The Business of Spiritual Man

The Role of Christianity in Peter Drucker's Early Work

26.5 — Sept/Oct 2013

Christian Schools & Racial Realities

on Desegregation & the Rise of Christian Education in the South

26.4 — July/August 2013

God's Child

The Odd Thomas Series
by Dean Koontz

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

Moynihan's Family Arc

on the Missing Element in a Government Jobs Strategy

25.3 — May/Jun 2012

The Soul of Liberty

Calls for Freedom, Democracy & Secularism End Up with None of the Above

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

Leaven Disciples

A Discussion of James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World

short pieces by Hunter Baker

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