articles by Mark Tooley

32.5 — September/October 2019

Methodist Break-Up?

Will Growing Global Pushback on Sexuality Make Progressives Give Up & Leave?

22.1 — January/February 2009

The Upper Reaches

The Remarkable 50-Year White House Ministry of Billy Graham

21.10 — December 2008

Hell’s Back

on a Surprising Mainline Descent into Gehenna

21.9 — November 2008

African Power

How 192 Delegates Saved Methodists from Madness & Other Stories from the General Conference

20.8 — October 2007

Post Conversion

Sally Quinn Gets Religion, Sort Of

19.8 — October 2006

Blue Songs & Red Cowboys

What Presbyterians, Baptists & Episcopalians Did over Summer Vacation

19.7 — September 2006

Eminent Betrayal

Our Endangered Values:
America’s Moral Crisis
by Jimmy Carter

19.3 — April 2006

Membership Ruse

Will Methodist Courts Embrace “Gay” Methodists?

18.7 — September 2005

The Empire Strikes Out

Theologians Pit Christ Against Imperial America

18.6 — Nov/Dec 2005

The Thick & Thin Man

Walter Brueggemann’s Penumbral Notions & Theatrical Sense

18.1 — January/February 2005

Bob’s Hope

Post-Election, NCC Leader Reaches Out to the Left Behind

17.7 — September 2004

Light from the Dark Continent

Africans’ Orthodoxy Steadies United Methodist Church

17.3 — April 2004

World-Class Bully

The World Council of Churches Takes On a Superpower

16.9 — November 2003

Episcopal Road to Nowhere

ECUSA’s “Gay” Bishop Is Not Christianity’s Future

16.3 — April 2003

An Honored Prophet

Stanley Hauerwas: ?America?s Best Theologian?

16.3 — April 2003

Religious Leftovers

How the National Council of Churches Lives Off the Agenda of the Democratic Party

16.2 — March 2003

Vietnam Protest

Is There Really Religious Liberty in Communist Vietnam?

15.7 — September 2002

Flagging Patriotism

on Christians & Love of Country

15.6 — July/August 2002

Indigenous Chic

Christianity & the Cult of Indigenous People

15.3 — April 2002

Sojourn to the Center

Has Religious-Left Activist Jim Wallis Gone Moderate?

15.3 — April 2002

Shepherd Under Fire

An Interview with Bishop Bullen Dolli of Sudan

15.1 — January/February 2002

Race Card Players

US Mainline Churches Flock to Conference on Racism

15.1 — January/February 2002

Confused by Terror

on Liberal Theology & September 11

14.10 — December 2001

Mad About Religion

Norman Lear Launches New Religious Partnership

14.6 — July/August 2001

We Don’t Get No Respect

Think Tank Considers Why the Mainline Is Ignored

14.3 — April 2001

Contra Mundum Redux

on St. Athanasius

14.2 — March 2001

Morally Bankrupt

Sex & Money at the National Council of Churches

14.1 — January/February 2001

The Fear of Renewal

Seminary Event Blasts Mainline Reform Groups

13.10 — December 2000

Apostasy at 2000

Episcopal Institute Promotes Pantheism, Syncretism

13.7 — September 2000

Maze Craze

Labyrinths Latest Fad for Spiritual Seekers

13.4 — May 2000

The Flimflam Apostles

The Jesus Seminar Goes on a Mission

13.3 — April 2000

St. Barabbas?

The New Martyrs of the Religious Left

13.2 — March 2000

Dead on Impact

The Demise of an Interfaith Lobby

13.1 — January/February 2000

In Defense of Our Traditions

on Denominationalism

12.5 — September/October 1999

Mainstreaming Homosexuality

12.5 — September/October 1999

Hateful Pastor Distorts Christianity

12.4 — July/August 1999

Still Nothing to Celebrate

Ecumenical Student Conference Includes “Pro-Gay” Themes

12.3 — May/June 1999

Presidential Pardon?

From the Eye of the Storm
by J. Philip Wogaman
Judgement Day at the White House
edited by Gabriel Fackre

12.2 — March/April 1999

Desperately Seeking the Mainline?

Roman Catholic Bishops & the National Council of Churches

11.6 — November/December 1998

The Demise of the World’s Greatest Mission Agency

on Mainline Decay

11.5 — September/October 1998

Church News from Washington

11.2 — March/April 1998

Clueless: The Courtships of the NCC

Church News from Washington

10.3 — Summer 1997

Church News from Washington

8.3 — Summer 1995

Nothing to Celebrate

A Report from an Ecumenical Student Conference

short pieces by Mark Tooley

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