articles by R. V. Young

37.5 — Sept/Oct 2024

The Rout of the Muses

The Crisis of Authority in the Fine Arts

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

The Narrow Gate

Who Says the Broad Way to Destruction Is Forever Closed?

37.3 — May/June 2024

A Christian Vision of the Secular World

Outside the Gates of Eden: Poems by David Middleton

36.3 — May/Jun 2023

One Hundred Years in the Unreal City

Christian Prophecy in The Waste Land

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

A Tale Told by an Idiot

The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare edited by Jan H. Blits

35.5 — Sept/Oct 2022

Not Fit for Print

Prevarications About Abortion in the Highest Places

35.4 — Jul/Aug 2022

The Francis Effect

The Failure & Confusions of a More Accommodating Faith

34.6 — Nov/Dec 2021

Fair to Middle Earth

on Refusing a Pinch of Incense to Imperial Progressivism

34.4 — July/August 2021

Good News Once More

on an Impregnable Darkness That Opens a Door

34.3 — May/June 2021

The Light of Hope in Darkness

"Dense Poems and Socratic Light": The Poetry of John Martin Finlay (1941-1991)
edited by David Middleton and John P. Doucet

34.2 — March/April 2021

Pagan Foreshadowings

Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology Through Christian Eyes by Louis Markos

34.2 — March/April 2021

Owning Slavery

A Christian Response to "The Case for Reparations"

30.6 — Nov/Dec 2017

Defensive Lapses

Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History by Rodney Stark

28.3 — May/June 2015

Of Bicycles, Sex, & Natural Law

Describing Human Ends & Our Limitations Is Neither Futile Nor Unloving

27.1 — Jan/Feb 2014

A Science of Man

Treatise on Human Nature: The Complete Text (Summa Theologiae I, Questions 75–102)
by Thomas Aquinas, translated by Alfred J. Freddoso

23.1 — January/February 2010

Academic Degradation

Theological Foundations for Environmental Ethics: Reconstructing Patristic and Medieval Concepts
by Jame Schaefer

20.6 — July/August 2007

Counter Tourist

The Politically Incorrect Guide to English and American Literature
by Elizabeth Kantor

19.8 — October 2006

Highest Comedy

Paradise by Dante Alighieri,
edited and translated by Anthony Esolen

19.7 — September 2006

Hope’s Eternal Spring

Shallow Optimism, Vain Hopes & God’s Absent Presence

18.10 — December 2005

The Gay Invention

Homosexuality Is a Linguistic as Well as a Moral Error

17.3 — April 2004

Dante’s New Guide

Inferno & Purgatory
by Dante Alighieri,
edited and translated
by Anthony Esolen

short pieces by R. V. Young

37.3 — May/June 2024

Poor Dark Africans

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Privileged Sins?

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Is This a Trick Question?

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

The Real Peril of AI

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Secular Narnia

37.3 — May/June 2024

Poor Dark Africans

37.1 — Jan/Feb 2024

Privileged Sins?

36.6 — Nov/Dec 2023

Is This a Trick Question?

36.4 — Jul/Aug 2023

The Real Peril of AI

35.6 — Nov/Dec 2022

Secular Narnia

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