touchstone archives


25 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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37.4—Jul/Aug, 2024

Miserable Ecumenism

Beware Ecclesial Scandals Left & Right

by James M. Kushiner

37.3—May/June, 2024

Our Eastern Door

The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity by Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet and Muriel Debié

by Charles Carman

35.6—Nov/Dec, 2022

Points of Contact

The Evangelical Theology of the Orthodox Church by Bradley Nassif

by Louis Markos

33.5—September/October, 2020

The New Martyrs & Confessors

A Personal Memoir of Russia's Orthodox Clergy & Elders Under Communism

by Vladimir Vorobyev

31.3—May/June, 2018

Schism in Harvard Yard

Solzhenitsyn's Blunt Sermon Still Cuts Deep 40 Years Later

by L. Joseph Letendre

30.3—May/June, 2017

Therapy in Christ's Name

When Hearts Become Flame: An Eastern Orthodox Approach to the Dia-Logos of Pastoral Counseling (2nd ed.) by Stephen Muse

by Eric L. Johnson

29.3—May/June, 2016

Eastern Union

The Orthodox Dilemma: Personal Reflections on Global Pan-Orthodox Christian Conciliar Unity
by George Alexander

by John G. Panagiotou

28.5—Sept/Oct, 2015

The Gospel Out of Egypt

Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Church

by James M. Kushiner

24.5—Sept/Oct, 2011

Ecumenical Orthodoxy

Touchstone’s 25 Years of Common Witness

by James M. Kushiner

20.9—November, 2007

Byzantium Yet Fallen

The Critical Lessons for Christians in the Long Shadow of 1453

by Paul J. Cella III

19.1—January/February, 2006

Another Man's Treasure

Orthodoxy Revisited
By Robert Lloyd Arnold

by Bryan Litfin

18.10—December, 2005

Irenic Encounters

Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism
edited by James Stamoolis

by Warren Farha

17.7—September, 2004

Light from the Dark Continent

Africans’ Orthodoxy Steadies United Methodist Church

by Mark Tooley

13.2—March, 2000

The Battle for Russia’s Souls

Proselytism and
Orthodoxy in Russia
John Witte, Jr., and
Michael Bourdeaux, editors

by Kent R. Hill

13.6—July/August, 2000

Continental Strangers

Reflections on Orthodoxy’s Uncertain Role in Europe

by Marcus Plested

14.1—January/February, 2001

Orthodox Ecology

Beyond the Shattered Image
by John Chryssavgis

by Vincent Rossi

16.5—June, 2003

Orthodox Twenty-Somethings

The New Faithful
by Colleen Carroll
The Younger Evangelicals
Robert E. Webber

by Richard J. Mammana, Jr.

12.6—November/December, 1999

Imaginative Orthodoxy

The Art of Telling the Christian Story

by David Mills

12.4—July/August, 1999

An Orthodox Appreciation of George MacDonald

on George MacDonald

by Robert W. Grano

12.2—March/April, 1999

Constantinople’s Moral Oversight

on Orthodoxy in the Public Square

by Andrew F. Estocin

11.5—September/October, 1998

The Orthodox Churches & the World Council of Churches

by Peter Bouteneff

4.2—Special Issue: The Bible, 1991

Orthodox Christian Meetings

Orthodox Christian Meetings by Michael T. McKibben

by Ted Bobosh

3.2—Spring-Summer, 1989

Russian Orthodoxy

Encountering the Church Unknown

by Heinrich Stammler

2.1—Fall, 1987

The Evangelical Orthodox

by James M. Kushiner

2.1—Fall, 1987

Ecumenicity, Orthodoxy & the Christian Spirit

by Steven Faulkner

More topics.

more from the online archives

33.3—May/June 2020

Deliberation, Inc.

Human & Divine Societies Require Careful Thought & Discourse by Anthony Esolen

30.2—March/April 2017

Rescuing Cervantes

on Reading Don Quixote in Its Original Christian Context by Luis Cortest

33.1—January/February 2020

Surprised by Gentleness

on a Saint's Charism That Cures Toxic Perfectionism by Colleen Carroll Campbell

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