Eastern Union by John G. Panagiotou

Book Review

Eastern Union 

The Orthodox Dilemma: Personal Reflections on Global Pan-Orthodox Christian Conciliar Unity
by George Alexander
OCP Publications, 2015
(202 pages, $12.00, paperback)

reviewed by John G. Panagiotou

In George Alexander's The Orthodox Dilemma the reader is given a highly accessible overview of the history, current situation, and possible future of Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy. Through personal vignettes and historical illustrations, the writer, himself Oriental Orthodox, seeks to explain and address how the Orthodox Churches have found themselves in their present circumstances.


John G. Panagiotou is an Orthodox Christian theologian, scholar, and writer. He is a graduate of Wheeling Jesuit University and St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary and holds a doctorate from Erskine Theological Seminary. He is Professor of New Testament, Greek, and Patristics at Cummins Theological Seminary.

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