Judge Not by David C. Brenner


Judge Not

David C. Brenner on Being the Biggest Sinner in the Room

Many of us have been graced by the presence of “the smartest person in the room,” the guy or gal whom everyone else invariably defers to because of his or her towering intellect, awe-inspiring wisdom, or extraordinary insight. Perhaps, like me, you’re just a bit envious of that person, and even aspire yourself to the lofty role of being the “smartest person in the room.”

I propose, instead, that we set our sights on being “the biggest sinner in the room.” While some of us are naturally gifted as sinners, and would jump at the chance to compete for such a distinction, that’s not what I have in mind—although I’m all for setting attainable goals.


David C. Brenner is a writer who lives in northern Virginia with his wife and three sons. He attends Potomac Hills Presbyterian Church in Leesburg.

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