Life in the Fast Lane by Adam A. J. Deville

Life in the Fast Lane

How to Fight for the Body While Forgetting About Ourselves

by Adam A. J. DeVille

One cannot turn on the electronic pulpit that is the television today without being regularly hectored by the preachers and proselytizers of the latest fad diet. Whether you should bulk up on fiber to stave off colon cancer, or throw out “carbs” in favor of all the protein you want, or sign up for a course that will allow you to drink a chocolate shake three times a day and still be fifty pounds lighter in a month, is all up to the discretion of the woefully befuddled individual.


Adam A. J. Deville is a Ph.D. student at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute for Eastern Christian Studies at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada, where he is writing a thesis on Orthodoxy and the Roman papacy in response to the papal encyclical Ut Unum Sint.

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