Barbies & Babies by David Mills

Barbies & Babies

David Mills on Abortion in the Real World

Walking down Constitution Avenue on a cold day last January 21 with tens of thousands of other pro-life marchers, I saw ahead of me a big heart-shaped sign with a pink rim. The sign said in big pink letters, “God loves Barbies and we do too.”

For a pro-life sign, I thought “God loves Barbies” was a rather creative way of speaking, even “edgy.” I assumed “Barbie” was a new nickname for those young women, usually executive secretaries and salesgirls in the better stores, who had not wanted to settle down after college, who now wanted a husband and a home and a life like the Cleaver family’s, who were sweet, sincere, and morally careless.


David Mills has been editor of Touchstone and executive editor of First Things.

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more on abortion from the online archives

24.1—January/February 2011

Sanger's Victory

How Planned Parenthood's Founder Played the Christians, and Won by Allan C. Carlson

30.3—May/June 2017

Known Trespassing

on the Misuse of Property Rights to Justify Slavery & Abortion by Robert Hart

26.1—Jan/Feb 2013

The Destroyer of Peace

on Abortion as a Matter of National Welfare by W. Ross Blackburn

more from the online archives

37.5—Sept/Oct 2024

Great & Wonderful Days

The Death of Conservatism & the Negative World by J. Douglas Johnson

32.6—November/December 2019

Strategic Christians

The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis by Alan Jacobs by Jesse Russell

32.4—July/August 2019

A Case of Win-Win

on Probability, Death & the Existence of God by Graeme Hunter

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