Life in Three Dimensions by James R. Edwards

Life in Three Dimensions

by James R. Edwards

In the early 1900s a man standing on the deck of a small steamer laboring up the Ogowe river in French Equatorial Africa was pondering if there could be a single ethic valid for all of life.  As he beheld the teeming life in the river and primeval forest, he realized that all life wills to live. The “will to live” became for Albert Schweitzer a clue to the meaning of the universe, from which he derived a life-affirming philosophy called “Reverence for Life.”

We share the will to live with all people, no matter who they are, where they are, when they lived, or what they have. We all are heirs of life. With the time, energy, talents and circumstances given to us we seek to live life as fully as possible. Not all people succeed to the same degree, of course, but all people hope to live well, fulfill their goals, be loved and remembered, and if possible, leave something of value to others.


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