The Child Not Taken by Russell D. Moore

The Child Not Taken

Russell D. Moore on Aborting the Conscience Through Choice

Recently a woman wrote a back-page article in the New York Times Magazine about her decision to abort two of her triplets, a choice she tells readers was not all that difficult and one she is glad she made, and would make again. When she found herself carrying triplets—she had gone off the pill because it made her moody—Amy Richards was 34 and not married (though living with the father of her children), lived in a walk-up apartment in the East Village, and would lose most of her freelance income for the year.

“There was a part of me that was sure I could work around that. But it was a matter of, Do I want to?” she wrote.


Russell D. Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is a senior editor of Touchstone.

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