What About Charles Williams?
The Secret of the Enigmatic Inkling Revealed
Charles Williams’s name always seems to flit about the edges of the Tolkien/Lewis world. Everyone who knows anything about these gentlemen beyond Middle-earth and Narnia knows that they met regularly at The Bird and Baby to drink beer, smoke, talk, and read their “work in progress” to each other, and that Charles Williams was perhaps the most animated (or agitated) one of the group. Others were there—Hugo Dyson, Lord David Cecil, Dr. Havard, and so on—but the Three were the core of the thing.
An Insider’s Name
Thomas Howard taught for many years at St. John's Seminary College, the Roman Catholic seminary of the archdiocese of Boston. Among his many works are the books Christ the Tiger, Evangelical Is Not Enough, Lead Kindly Light, On Being Catholic, and The Secret of New York Revealed, and a videotape series of 13 lectures on "The Treasures of Catholicism" (all from Ignatius Press).
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19.10—December 2006
Workers of Another World United
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