touchstone archives

Church fathers

4 articles from the Touchstone online archives. More added daily.

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31.1—January/February, 2018

The Tears of Jesus

on Augustine & Refusing to Grieve As Others Do

by Kevin Raedy

21.1—January/February, 2008

One Flesh of Purest Gold

John Chrysostom’s Discovery of the Blessings & Mysteries of Marriage

by Mike Aquilina

20.7—September, 2007

East Reads West

A Conference of Orthodox Readings of Augustine May Help to Bridge a Gap

by William J. Tighe

1.2—Winter, 1987

The Mystery of Continuity

The Mystery of Continuity: Time and History, Memory and Eternity in the Thought of Saint Augustine

by John Thompson

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24.1—January/February 2011

Secular Grendel

Ruminations on the Monstrous Envy of the Soul-Devouring State by Anthony Esolen

32.2—March/April 2019

The Problem of Pity

Misguided Mercy & Dante's Infernal Purgation by Joshua Hren

26.1—Jan/Feb 2013

The Destroyer of Peace

on Abortion as a Matter of National Welfare by W. Ross Blackburn

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