articles by Leon J. Podles

37.4 — Jul/Aug 2024

A Greater Hope

on Pondering the Destiny of All Mankind

33.2 — March/April 2020

Paths of Departure

Mass Exodus: Catholic Disaffiliation in Britain and America Since Vatican II, 2nd ed. 
by Stephen Bullivant

30.4 — July/Aug 2017

Gospel Marketplace

American Christianity: The Continuing Revolution by Stephen Cox

30.2 — March/April 2017

Men-at-Arm's Length

Soldiers of Christ & the Mixed Messages They Receive

28.3 — May/June 2015

The Other Americas

The Rebirth of Latin American Christianity by Todd Hartch

28.2 — March/April 2015

Critical Masses

Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church
by Christian Smith, Kyle Longest, Jonathan Hill, and Kari Christoffersen

28.1 — January/February 2015

Roman Renewal

Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church
by George Weigel

25.6 — Nov/Dec 2012

Catechism's Ostracism

Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics by Ross Douthat

24.5 — Sept/Oct 2011

The Way of St. James

My 500-Mile Pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago

24.4 — July/August 2011

Reformed to Death

on the Future of Feminized Liberal Judaism

23.4 — July/August 2010

Zeal for Thy House

Some Reforms Require the Ultimate Sacrifice

23.2 — March/April 2010

There Is Forgiveness

But There Are No Shortcuts on the Road to Reconciliation

22.6 — July/August 2009

Unhappy Fault

on the Integration of Anger into the Virtuous Life

18.1 — January/February 2005

Empty Spaces of the Word

17.7 — September 2004

Literary Revelation

16.9 — November 2003

Christians & the Fog of War

16.5 — June 2003

Naples & New Towns

16.4 — May 2003

There’s No Smell Like Home

16.3 — April 2003

Choosing Truth or Power

16.3 — April 2003

Voting as Christians

16.2 — March 2003

The Envy of the Devil & the Glory of God

16.1 — January/February 2003

Depopulation & Destiny

A Question of Numbers,
The Death of the West,
The New Christendom,
& World Population Prospects

16.1 — January/February 2003

Man Is a Wolf to Man

15.10 — December 2002

Cubist Scripture

15.9 — November 2002

The Comforting Doctrine of Hell

15.8 — October 2002

Something That Doesn’t Love a Wall

15.7 — September 2002

Priests, Passion & Power

The Dynamics of Celibacy & Homosexuality in the Catholic Church

15.7 — September 2002

Disaster Canada

15.6 — July/August 2002

Love for the Fatherland

15.6 — July/August 2002

Priests Most Wanted

15.5 — June 2002

Comedies—Screwball & Divine

15.4 — May 2002

Flying High at Trinity

15.3 — April 2002

Catholic Scandals

The Real Story Behind Clerical “Pedophilia” & What It Means for Clerical Celibacy

15.3 — April 2002

The Ring of Terror

15.1 — January/February 2002

The Heroes of Middle-Earth

J. R. R. Tolkien & the Marks of Christian Heroism

14.9 — November 2001

Christ: God, Man & Hero

Jesus Christ & the Pattern of Christian Manhood

14.3 — April 2001

Scouting for Trouble

14.1 — January/February 2001

Missing Fathers of the Church

The Feminization of the Church & the Need for Christian Fatherhood

14.1 — January/February 2001

The Eternal Fatherly

13.5 — June 2000

The Reticence of God

on Signs & Revelation

13.3 — April 2000

A Serious Wake-Up Call

Christendom Awake
by Aidan Nichols, O.P.

12.1 — January/February 1999

Sons in the Son

God and Man in Early Christianity

11.5 — September/October 1998

Clinton & King David

11.1 — January/February 1998

A Flawed Portrait of Dissent

The Smoke of Satan
by Michael W. Cuneo

8.3 — Summer 1995

All That Separates Must Converge

The Fragmentation of Christianity & the Unity of the Faith

8.2 — Spring 1995

When Brothers Dwell in Unity

Same Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell

7.4 — Fall 1994

No Place Like Home

A Personal Look at the Education of Children: Public, Private & Domestic

7.2 — Spring 1994

He Is Lord, He Is God!

Speaking the Christian God: The Holy Trinity and the Challenge of Feminism edited by Alvin F. Kimel, Jr.

6.2 — Spring 1993

Men & Religion

An Unhappy Marriage

22.4 — May 2009

Before Abraham Was

Before Abraham Was: The Unity of Genesis 1–11 by Isaac M. Kikawada and Arthur Quinn

3.4 — Winter 1990

Adam, Eve, and the Serpent

Adam, Eve, and the Serpent by Elaine Pagels

short pieces by Leon J. Podles

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