A Serious Wake-Up Call by Leon J. Podles

A Serious Wake-Up Call

Christendom Awake: On Reenergizing the Church in Culture
by Aidan Nichols, O.P.
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1999
(255 pages; $28.00, paper)

by Leon J. Podles

The Dominican Aidan Nichols in Christendom Awake analyzes the current state of Roman Catholicism and suggests ways in which the Church might recover the strength to transform society (especially English society) to such an extent that Europe could once again be called Christendom. He realizes he might appear quixotic, but claims that both the commission to teach all nations and the virtue of hope compel us to work toward a Christian society rather than to be content with life in a Christian ghetto.


Leon J. Podles holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Virginia, has worked as a teacher and a federal investigator, and is president of the Crossland Foundation. He is the author of The Church Impotent (Spence), Sacrilege (Crossland Press), and Losing the Good Portion: Why Men Are Alienated from Christianity (St. Augustine Press). Dr. Podles and his wife have six children and live in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a senior editor of Touchstone.

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