Mere Reality

The Lion’s Country: C.  S. Lewis’s Theory of the Real by Charlie W. Starr

"Reality” may not be the first theme that comes to mind when thinking of the works of C.  S. Lewis, but in The Lion’s Country, Charlie Starr explores how Lewis’s “theory of the real” is one of the keys to all of Lewis’s thinking.

Charlie Starr, the world’s leading authority on C.  S. Lewis’s handwriting, serves as visiting professor of Inklings studies at Northwind Theological Seminary. He previously wrote The Faun’s Bookshelf: C.  S. Lewis on Why Myth Matters, to which The Lion’s Country is a sequel, though familiarity with the former book is not required to appreciate the new one.


Josiah Peterson is a debate coach and adjunct instructor of rhetoric at The King's College in New York.

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