Schools of Impiety by James M. Kushiner


Schools of Impiety

The Diabolical Failure of Leaders in the Present Crises
by James M. Kushiner

Perhaps we may extract a predictive spiritual postulate hiding in plain sight in the Gospels: The more our Lord warned his disciples about a temptation or stumbling block, the greater the likelihood that succumbing to it would scar the history of the church.

Jesus often warned his disciples about self-serving ambition, lording it over others, and having little faith. On the eve of his crucifixion, the disciples argued among themselves over who was the greatest. Later that evening, the three closest to Jesus fell asleep despite his request that they keep vigil with him. One of the Twelve soon betrayed him. After he was arrested, nine of the remaining eleven ran away and hid for days. Of the two who remained, one denied him three times, even after being warned that he would be so tempted. He then went into hiding with the others.


James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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