Gnostic Anti-Sexuals

Origen’s Revenge: The Greek and Hebrew Roots of Christian Thinking on Male and Female by Brian Patrick Mitchell

reviewed by Allan C. Carlson

Brian Mitchell’s observations on male/female relations first came to my attention in 1989 through his book Weak Link: The Feminization of the American Military. Having served for seven years as an infantry officer and intelligence agent in the U.S. Army, Mitchell described how the massive entry of women into the armed forces after 1970 had already disrupted American fighting capacities and shattered the traditions, morale, and performance standards of the military academies at West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs. He warned that unless promptly countered, this feminist-inspired “march of folly” resting on the suppression of masculinity and a quest for androgyny and relying on systematic deception within the Pentagon, would soon cripple American battlefield effectiveness.


Allan C. Carlson is the John Howard Distinguished Senior Fellow at the International Organization for the Family. His most recent book is Family Cycles: Strength, Decline & Renewal in American Domestic Life, 1630-2000 (Transaction, 2016). He and his wife have four grown children and nine grandchildren. A "cradle Lutheran," he worships in a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. He is a senior editor for Touchstone.

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