No, Disney, Just You

Now that just about all the Fortune 1000 companies have gone woke, we've reached the point where Christians can no longer refuse to buy what one company is selling without giving their money to another company that isn't just as bad. So a Disney Corp. president has committed to making 50 percent of its film and TV characters claim a LGBT identity or be people of color (no doubt she threw in people of color to make sure any boycotters could be accused of racism).

Well, what are Christians to do? Boycott Disney and watch Netflix? Cancel their Disney World vacation and go to Universal Studios instead? What are we supposed to do? Boycott the entire S&P 500?

Then again . . .

I'm reminded of a scene from the 1986 film Stand By Me. Ace Merrill (Kiefer Sutherland) and his band of teenage thugs confront the much younger Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton) and his junior-high compatriots. Ace threatens Gordie with a switchblade, but then Gordie pulls out a gun, aims it at Ace's chest, and cocks the hammer.

Ace stops short and then glances over his shoulder at his toadies standing behind him. "Whaddya gonna do?" he says. "Shoot us all?"

"No, Ace," says Gordie, "just you."

J. Douglas Johnson is the executive editor of Touchstone and the executive director of the Fellowship of St. James.

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