Sacred Syllabus by William Jason Wallace

Sacred Syllabus

The Case for Authentic Christian Higher Education

In the third decade of the twenty-first century a host of questions surround the future of Christian higher education. The questions are not new, but the implications of the answers are different in important ways. Both the cost and the purpose of higher education have changed. By and large, the older philosophical functions of university life have permanently yielded to pragmatism, and the cost is exorbitant. Christian higher education competes in a difficult marketplace, and the concomitant problem of Christian identity is attenuated in that market.

Just so, answers are needed. What are the benefits of Christian higher education, given other available options? Is the transmission of knowledge in a Christian university different from that in non-sectarian universities? What is the distinctive or added value in attending a Christian college or university?


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To Spread His Glory

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28.5—Sept/Oct 2015

Who's Your Teacher?

on Our Sacred Duty to Teach the Devil to Death by Marcus Johnson

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The Pearl of Great Wisdom

The Deep & Abiding Biblical Roots of Western Liberal Education by David Lyle Jeffrey

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The Icon of Materialism

Why Scientism's Cherished Progress Narrative Fails by Jonathan Witt

30.2—March/April 2017

Rescuing Cervantes

on Reading Don Quixote in Its Original Christian Context by Luis Cortest

33.4—July/August 2020

Pondering Evil

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