Defensive Choices by J. Douglas Johnson

Defensive Choices

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb recently signed a law requiring abortion clinics in the state to inform women that they can reverse the effects of a chemically induced abortion even after taking the first pill in the procedure. LaKimba DeSadier, Indiana state director for Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, said her organization would take legal action against the law. In response, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita (R) said, "Taking a stand for life means facing down opponents who, in the name of 'choice,' are relentless in their efforts to eviscerate the rights of the unborn. Our determination to prevail for the cause of truth must surpass the resolve of the abortion industry to perpetuate a culture of

The AG's response is a boilerplate applause line aimed at pro-lifers. Why not, instead, turn Planned Parenthood's dearest language against them, and put them on the defensive within their own ranks? Maybe something like this: "Planned Parenthood is literally trying to block women in Indiana from having full access to medical information about their own bodies, and about the lives of their own children. I can't believe I'm saying this, but even for Planned Parenthood, this is unbelievable."

That's going behind enemy lines and hitting them where it hurts.

J. Douglas Johnson is the executive editor of Touchstone and the executive director of the Fellowship of St. James.

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