Firm Members by James M. Kushiner

Firm Members

In 1995, Touchstone, then known as "A Journal of Ecumenical Orthodoxy," held a conference in South Carolina. Its title, "Not of This World: An Ecumenical Conference for Traditional Christians," reflected the founding intention of our journal to be a meeting place for such Christians across a wide swath of church affiliations. This purpose remains firmly in place, and the fellowship of readers and attendees at our recent conferences confirms it (see our 2021 conference announcement above).

Such traditional Christians do not lightly wear their commitment to the faith once for all delivered. Readers may have been struck by the note sounded in the final sentence of the editorial in this issue:

But now there is in view the blessed chance that we may end not by being penetrated and compromised by religious odium or the spirit of the age, but by a form of martyrdom: the death died by faithful witnesses to the Word of God in the "context of persecution". . . .

Willingness to go the distance marks the true fellowship of the members of the Body of Christ. Twenty-six years ago, at "Not of This World," S. M. Hutchens said:

[T]he shape of the world these days is such that the true union of Christians may finally be consummated on this earth by a mingling of their blood, not just in separated regions but, as in the days of Diocletian, in all places where there are Christians, as the shadow of the dark wing falls over the whole earth in a way that it never has before.

Steadfast conviction is crucial. As Anthony Esolen describes our work, "Here we do not concede one square millimeter of territory to falsehood, folly, contemporary sentimentality, or fashion."

Touchstone thus serves as a journal for wide-awake Christians looking for encouragement, and for fellow believers—whether Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox—who are committed to obedient orthodoxy come what may, even at the ultimate price.

If you would like to help build up the fellowship of such readers and you know Christians who you think would appreciate what we've called the Caffeinated Christianity of Touchstone, please send us their names and addresses, and we will send them a complimentary issue. Please send as many names as you wish to We'll do the rest. 

James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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more on ecumenism from the online archives

28.2—March/April 2015

Facing God

on Divine Worship & the Natural Limits of Community by David Mills

31.4—July/August 2018

The Names of the Christian

Labels & the Ecumenism of Discipleship by James M. Kushiner

19.5—June 2006

The Creed We Need

On the Picture of God We Draw with Words by David Mills

more from the online archives

28.1—January/February 2015

Altered Matrimony

on State Impositions & Church Acquiescence by Stephen Baskerville

30.1—Jan/Feb 2017

The Heart of Paradise

The Godly Hierarchies of Love & Marriage by Diane Woerner

33.3—May/June 2020

Maternity as Theophany

Maternal Body: A Theology of Incarnation from the Christian East by Carrie Frederick Frost
Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage Through Pregnancy by Laura S. Jansson by Agnes R. Howard

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"Here we do not concede one square millimeter of territory to falsehood, folly, contemporary sentimentality, or fashion. We speak the truth, and let God be our judge. . . . Touchstone is the one committedly Christian conservative journal."
—Anthony Esolen, Touchstone senior editor

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