Pastoral Guidance by James Ambrose Lee II

Pastoral Guidance

The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart by Harold L. Senkbeil

Drawing upon nearly fifty years of service in the Office of the Holy Ministry, Dr. Senkbeil has written a work of pastoral theology that is Christo-logical in its foundation and scope, while interweaving wisdom handed down through the tradition of the Church, accompanied by insight and instruction gained from his study and experience. It is written with love and appreciation from one pastor to his fellow pastors (Amtbrüdern).

In an age when pastors are tempted to imitate TED Talk thought leaders, podcast mavens, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Senkbeil makes the case that pastors ought to model their ministry after the diligent and habitual work of a farmer, and follow the patient and careful example of a medical doctor in the diagnosis of a patient. Pastoral work requires specialized knowledge and study, like agricultural and medical work, but just as knowledge alone is not sufficient to become a good farmer or doctor, pastoral care requires more of the man in the office than the sum of classroom instruction.


James Ambrose Lee II is Assistant Professor of Theology at Concordia University Chicago. He has published articles on neo-Lutheranism and the Confessional Revival, nineteenth-century German theology, and the relationship between the Catholic Tübingen School and Nouvelle Théologie.

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