A Lethal Temptation by Bradley J. Helgersont

A Lethal Temptation

on Abortion & the Seductive Lie of Autonomous Freedom

From the moment our daughter was conceived, dark spiritual forces were striving to snuff out her life. The Prince of the Power of the Air and his sons of disobedience were bent, as they always are, on destroying anything that reflects the beauty and majesty of the Creator. The crafty serpent whispered in the birthmother's ear the alluring promise of autonomous freedom, just as he did with Eve in the beginning.

This is a most seductive lie, given that the longing for liberty is universal. Never will you witness a mob marching against it, chanting, "Away with this freedom!" No, the question that takes center stage in Genesis 3 (and upon which the very life of my daughter hinged) is not whether freedom is to be desired, but how it is to be defined.


Bradley J. Helgerson is Minister of the Word for The Church on the Square in Georgetown, Texas, and a Ph.D. candidate in theology at North-West University. He and his wife Pamela have five children and live in a fixer-upper in Georgetown. He can be reached at bjhelgerson@gmail.com.

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