The Plague Village of Eyam by Gary Thomso


The Plague Village of Eyam

on an Enduring Story of Sacrifice to Save Others

In these times of quarantine and "social distancing," a timeless story from a Derbyshire village in England reminds us of the abiding power of faith and self-sacrifice.

The village, Eyam, twelve miles west of Sheffield, is one of a cluster of Saxon-Age settlements lying in the Hope Valley along a wooded meander of the River Derwent. This is the epicenter of Peak National Park, a region of extraordinary beauty. Walkers, painters, artists, and amateur historians all come to explore the open moors, sheltered dales, and villages that bring a nostalgic peace away from workaday routine.


Gary Thomson is a retired teacher residing in Ontario, Canada. During his teaching career he wrote inspirational and history-themed articles for readers of diverse faiths. These have appeared in Mature Years, Anglican Review, Military Chaplain, and Doctors' Review, among others. He was raised and nurtured in the Anglican faith.

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