Chronicling Lilith by Harriet Murphy


Chronicling Lilith

The End of Men and the Rise of Women
by Hanna Rosin
Riverhead Books (Penguin Group), 2013
(336 pages, $17.00, paperback)

reviewed by Harriet Murphy

As the Catholic Church debates the future of the family and Pope Francis talks about deepening a theology of women, it is useful to remember that it was Karl Marx who called for the abolition of the family in The Communist Manifesto. His exhortation famously asked the proletariat to reject the bourgeois definition of marriage, which required women to defer to men's monopolization of the public sphere whilst they had preeminence in the private. One of the simple truths about revolutions, whether silent or bloody, is that they are always making incremental advances. Karl Marx, for instance, nowhere suggests that heterosexuality should be phased out, only that it should be relieved of its sacramentality and that women should be shifted out of the home into the

Advance of the Fourth Wave


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