Weather or Not by Raymond J. Brown


Weather or Not

Raymond J. Brown on Christian Stewardship & Climate Change

Talk about a dialogue of the deaf! It seems people fall into two camps on the subject of global warming. One group believes it is an imminent apocalypse foretold. Another holds that it is a hoax on a par with Orson Welles's War of the Worlds radio drama of 1938. As Disraeli opined (according to Mark Twain), "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." And we get lots of them all, presented as undeniable truth that only an imbecile or a charlatan would deny.

As Christians, we remember Holy Writ:


Raymond J. Brown is Secretary of the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, a retired U.S. Coast Guard captain, and a security consultant living in New Hampshire. He and his wife Susan, a librarian, have three grown children.

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