Sisterly Wisdom by Cheryl Magness

Sisterly Wisdom

LadyLike: Living Biblically
by Rebekah Curtis & Rose Adle

Concordia Publishing House, 2015
(224 pages, $14.99, paperback)

reviewed by Cheryl Magness

As a conservative Christian woman with biblical values, I have long shied away from books and articles on female vocation. In my experience, they tend toward one extreme or the other, either painting a pink and fluffy picture of an idealized existence to which I know I could never aspire, or conversely, suggesting that I need not aspire to anything because God loves me just as I am. As a repentant and forgiven sinner, I do believe that God sees me through the lens of his Son. As such, I do not stand or fall in accordance with vocational considerations. At the same time, I think that being called to faith in Christ means living out that faith in concrete ways. So, to that end, I do want to read things that encourage and inspire me to live a godly life. I just don't want to be beaten over the head with them.


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