Man Up, Lady Down by Perry Glanzer


Man Up, Lady Down

Perry L. Glanzeron the Demise of Ladies & Gentlemen in Higher Education

This past year, sixteen female students and alumni from Yale University filed a complaint under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act claiming that Yale University failed to address a “hostile sexual environment.” The major incident sparking the complaint was a pledge ritual by members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) fraternity, who marched pledges around campus and told them to shout phrases such as “No means yes, yes means anal” and “My name is Jack, I’m a necrophiliac, I f— dead women.” Clearly, wisdom and high SAT scores do not always go together.

After the unsurprising campus outcry and the filing of the complaint, the leaders of DKE apologized to the Yale Women’s Center. The apology failed to spare DKE a five-year suspension. The moral of the story: Don’t create a hostile environment for Yale women, because they’ll sue your pants off (only figuratively, of course). This is the moral philosophy behind most college behavioral admonitions these days: “Behave—or we’ll sue you.”


Perry Glanzer is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Baylor University and the author of The Quest for Russia?s Soul (Baylor University Press). He attends First Baptist Church in Woodway, Texas.

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